This fruit is known for keeping the doctor away if eaten daily.
This orange vegetable is good for your eyesight.
This is the most common cooking oil made from olives.
olive oil
It Is red AND sweet. Blanca nieves ate one.
Am apple
This leafy green is often used in salads and is high in iron.
This green fruit is a source of healthy fats and is often used in guacamole.
A fruit with the letter W
This vegetable is known for its layers and can make you cry when cut.
This type of fat, found in nuts and seeds, is considered heart-healthy.
unsaturated fats
This citrus fruit is known for its high vitamin C content and comes in navel and blood varieties.
Am orange
This vegetable comes in green, red, and yellow varieties and has a crunchy texture.
Bell pepper
This dairy product is often spread on toast and contains saturated fat.
This tropical fruit has a spiky outer shell and sweet yellow inside.
A pineapple
This vegetable looks like a tree and is a good source of fiber.
This type of fish, such as salmon, is high in omega-3 fatty acids.