What is the most healthy drink?
What is the most popular cake flavor?
What is the most popular dessert in America?
Ice Cream
What sour candy is shaped as kids?
Sour Patch Kids
What fruit is red, has many seeds, and has green on the top if it?
What dessert is at most parties other than cake?
What is Americas favorite food?
French Fries
What is the healthiest food in the world?
dark leafy greens, for example, things like spinach and kale
What candy was made for the first time IN AMERICA, in 1894 and is still popular? (the candy was in a different country first)
milk chocolate
What is the most popular traditional dish in Japan?
What small, rainbow candy comes in many flavors other than sour?
Other than water, what is the most healthy drink?
green tea
What sweet drink is not always served sweet but is the most popular drink in the world other than water?
What are the two most popular main meals America?
cheeseburgers and fried chicken
What is the most sour candy that is popular in America, but is so sour some people can't eat it?
Toxic Waste
What is the most healthy fruit?
What is a very sweet food but you don't usually eat it by itself, it is usually put in something.
What is the most popular dessert in the world?
Who is the man on the Warhead bag?
Wally Warhead