how do food labels list ingredients
by weight, in order from greatest to least.
what is valuable about product labelling
it gives info about nutrition and health benefits.
what is a food allergy
a condition in which the body's immue system reacts to substances in some foods
what is pasteurization
the process of treating a substance with heat to destroy or slow the growth of pathogens.
what is my hair colour
what do food labels do if they have a few different items under the same category
they are listed separately and appear lower on the list that if they were the same.
what do nutrient content claims tell you
they tell you if a food has high insertion or low insertion.
what is a food intolerance
a negative reaction to a food or part of food caused by a metabolic problem, such as the inability to digest parts of certain foods or food components.
what are teh two most common causes of foodborne illnesses
bacteria, viruses.
what fruit is orange and round
what is a food additive
a substance intentionally added to food to produce a desired effect
What is high in fiber good for
it is good for digestion
what are two ways food intolernace can be caused
milk, wheat
what are the foud steps to keep food clean
clean, separate, cook, chill
what is the sixth planet from the sun
what can food additives improve
a food's flavour, colour, and lengthen its storage time.
what is low fat good for
it is good for your heart and helps with weight.
what does the body respond to as if it was a disease
what do frozen foods need to be refrigerated at
-17.6 degrees
what are the colours in the rainbow
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.
what do food industries use to replace fat and sugar
aspartame, and fructose.
what are examples of products with a durable life date
canned foods, packaged snacks, frozen foods.
what are the different types of allergic reactions
rach, hives, itchiness of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, itchy eyes, and sneezing.
what are the temperatures you cook ground beef, roasts, and poultry, and fish at
70 for ground beef, 76 for roasts and poultry, and 63 for fish.
what emoji was used at the start
smiley face