How many calories must you burn in order to lose 1lb of fat?
What is 3,500 calories?
What common health problem is related to eating to much sugar?
What is Diabetes?
What does it mean to binge?
What is eating an excessive amount of food over a short amount of time?
Teenage boys need at least what % body fat?
What is 4%?
The body's need for food is what?
What is hunger?
What is 3,800?
How many people are killed each year in the U.S. by heart disease?
What is about 700,000?
What is Anorexia?
Eating a very low number of calories in order to lose weight?
What are three keys to healthy weight management?
What are eating better, eating less and exercising more?
The body's desire for food is called?
What is appetite?
The amount of calories in food depends on the amount of what in the food?(it is 3 things)
What are carbohydrates, fats and proteins?
Cardiovascular disease affects what organ?
What is the heart?
What is bulimia?
What is eating large amounts of food and then throwing up the extra calories.
Who is "The Doctor"
What does BMI stand for?
What is Body Mass Index?
What is the range of how many calories needed by "average" teenager?
How many people a year die as a result of diabetes?
What is around 300,000?
Is it healthy to severely reduce calories in order to lose weight?
What is no?
What is the minimum body fat needed for a teenage girl?
What is 10%?
The passing of traits from parents to child is?
What is hereditary?
Extra calories in your diet are stored as what by our bodies?
What is fat or Glycogen?
To be considered obese a person must be at least what %over the recommended weight?
What is 20%?
What are 3 factors that may contribute to eating disorders?
What are: body image, genetics, culture, personality, emotions, family?
How many lbs. is it safe to lose per week?
What is 2-3 lbs.?
What does BMR mean
What is Basal Metabolic Rate?