Program Access/Civil Rights
Group Composition
I Love Making Money
Giving My Money Away
Balancing My Checkbook

During every interview you MUST discuss and document this with the client?

Right and Responsibilities


Beth applies for Food Assistance for her household. Beth lives with her husband and their two children (Children are 6 and 8 years old). On the final EDG, how many individuals are in the FAP group?

There are 4 individuals in the FAP group.


Are S-Corps and LLC’s considered self-employment?

No.  The income and expenses of the business are NOT the client’s income.


True or False. Renters and Homeowners Insurance are allowable expenses for the Food Assistance Program.



Mark reports that his rent amount has changed as of August 1st. He states that his lot rent is now $600/mo and the rent for the home is now $575. What amount should be budgeting for his housing expense on the final EDG in Bridges?



If a client wants to apply for benefits, what MUST be available to the client in addition to MIBridges?

Paper applications


Susan applied for Food Assistance for her two daughters and herself. They are the only three individuals in the home. Her youngest daugher is 8 year-old and is in the home 13 days per month. Her oldest daughter is 20 year-old, not attending school and is unemployed. Considering that the financial requirements are met, how many should be approved in the FAP group?

2 -- 20 year old is not going to school/working, she would be part of the group. The 8 year-old is in the home less than half of the time, making Susan not the primary caretaker. The 8 year-old would not be eligible. 


What type of income is collecting and returning pop cans/bottles? How should it be budgeted in Bridges?

Inconsequential Income - Unearned income "Other Unearned". It is only budgeted if the client earns more than $30 per quarter.


Name at least 5 allowable expenses for a SDV or Non-SDV group for Food Assistance.

Dependent Care (day care), Child Support Expenses, Medical expenses (RX's, Medicare, doctor visits, hospital bills, etc.), Rent/Mortgage/Lot Rent/Second Mortgage, hotel/motel expenses,etc. Homeowners Insurance, Property Tax, Heat/Nonheat Electric, A/C, water/sewer, trash, telephone


A client receives the full SSI payment amount of $943 per month. What unearned income amount should you see on the final EDG in Bridges?

$957 ($943 + $14 SSP monthly amount)


To ensure individuals rights are honored and that individual responsibilities are explained in a language the individual understands, what 2 areas MUST be updated in Bridges?

Written language, Spoken language


A 24 year-old client states during their interview that they are currently unemployed, attending Michigan State University and participating in nursing clinicals. The worker marks that the client is participating in a training programs and approves the FAP. Is this correct? Explain why/why not.

This would not be considered correct. Nursing clinicals would NOT be considered on-the-job trainining. FAP should be denied for being an ineligible student.


If a client is providing childcare services in their home, is this considered self-employment?  What about in the child’s home?

If the care is in the client’s home, it would be considered self-employment, if the care is being provided in the child’s home, the client would be considered an employee of the parent and it would be considered regular earned income/employment.


What should the CSCD be for the shelter expense (i.e. Home Rent, Mortgage, etc.) at application?

1st of the month of application


During her interview, Mary reports that she pays $175 per week in child care expenses for her 3 year-old. What amount should be entered on the dependent care screen in Bridges for this expense?

$175 x 4.3 = $752.50


An application or filing form MUST be registered if it contains at least the following information:

Name of the applicant, Birth date of the applicant (not required for FAP or CDC), Address of the applicant (unless homeless), signature of the applicant


William applied for FAP benefits for himself and his 4 year-old son. William stated that he is currently unemployed and attending Lansing Community College full time. How many individuals are in the FAP group?

2 individuals in the FAP group


If a client is an Adult Home Help Provider for multiple individuals, how should the income be entered into Bridges?

When a client receives Adult Home Help Provider income for multiple individuals, it is to be entered as separate income records.


At what amount do medical expenses start affecting the FAP benefit amount for SDV individuals?



Bill submits an application for Food Assistance. During the interview, he states that he pays $55 per month for a prescription. A statement from the pharmacy is submitted showing that he does pay the $55 a month for the prescription. What amount is the medical deduction on the final EDG?

$165 (SMD $200 - $35 medical expense disregard)


Where in Bridges can you find the negative action date for the most recently certified FAP EDG?

Click on the hyperlink for the most recently certified FAP EDG – Click the hyperlink for the EDG# at the top – Under EDG Summary Information you will find the Negative Action Effective Date listed in the bottom right corner.


Lisa applies for Food Assistance. Lisa's niece, Polly (age 17), lives with her. Polly has a full time job at Kroger, pays her aunt rent, and buys her own food. Lisa states that she just provides a room for Polly in exchange for the rent. Is Polly a mandatory group member on Lisa's FAP case?

No. If they p/p separate, they can have separate cases. 


Name the four different types of earned income.

Stable Income

Contractual/Single Payment Income

Fluctuating Income

Irregular Income


A client applies for Food Assistance. They state that their rent is $750 per month and are only responsible for non-heat electric and telephone. In what ways could they be eligible for the full Heat and Utility Standard?

The household has received greater than $20 of LIHEAP, SER energy related, HHC, or MEAP funds in current month or previous 12-months. FAP groups who pay for cooling (including room air conditioners) are eligible for the H/U standard if they have the responsibility to pay for non-heat electric.


Jessica applies for FAP benefits for her and her husband. She reports that her husband receives $943/mo in SSI and she is employed at Walmart. Jessica states that she makes $15.75/mo and works, on average, 30 hours per week, paid biweekly. She submits the following check stubs: 

08/05: 62hrs, $519.75 gross

08/19: 84hrs, $661.50 gross

What should the final ongoing budget amount be for the employment? What should the final ongoing budget amount be for the unearned income?

Earned Income: $1117.46 ($519.75 x 2.15)

We would exclude the 08/19 due to the hours being significantly more than what client reported.  

Unearned Income: $957 ($943 + $14)
