A place where an animal naturally lives.
What is habitat?
The part of the food chain that includes green plants that make their own food.
What is producer?
Shows the transfer of energy from individual to individual.
What is a food chain?
Making more of your own kind.
What is reproduction?
The level of the food chain that includes animals that eat green plants.
What is primary consumer?
Interconnected food chains, showing the energy flow through an ecosystem and complex relationships between the organisms in an ecosystem.
What is a food web?
All the members of a certain kind (species) of living thing have died.
What is extinct?
Populations of predator and prey animals are linked. The number of predators is less than prey numbers and increases after the number of prey increases (more food for predators so more predator babies survive). This decreases the prey numbers (they are eaten), which means predator numbers decrease (they starve).
What is a predator-prey cycle?
A food chain consists of: plant-rabbit-wolf-worm. What may happen if wolves become extinct?
What is the rabbits will be overpopulated?
The variety of living things. A high __________ ecosystem has high mauri and is resilient.
What is biodiversity?
A food chain consists of: plant-rabbit-wolf-worm. What is the source of energy of the food chain?
What is the sun?
Describe the rule of 10%
What is 10% of energy of a trophic level is transferred to the next trophic level (most is lost as heat during life processes)?