At the Grocery Store
At Home
Fruit and Veg
General Tips

Where do people sometimes buy groceries that is more expensive than a grocery store?

Convenience or corner stores are often more expensive than grocery stores. 


Where is the cheapest and most nutritious place to eat as a family? 

Eating together at home. Plan regular meals at home as a family. Planning out a few meals at a time to cook at home can reduce the need to eat expensive, last-minute take-out meals. 


When is the best time of year to buy most fresh fruits and vegetables? 

When they are in season they tend to be cheaper. Shop at farmer’s markets, farmgate stands, or U-pick farms to save money on locally grown fruit. Go to for a guide on when Ontario fruit is available. 


Can you name at least one type or cut of meat, poulty or fish that tends to be a lower cost?

stewing meat • Outside, inside, or eye or round • Blade or flank steak • ground meat • Pork shoulder • Chicken pieces (legs, thighs), or whole chicken • Plain frozen fish fillets, such as salmon, tilapia, sole, haddock, or Pollock • Canned fish like salmon, “light” tuna, sardines, or herring 


Where is a place people can go when they do not have enough money for food?

Food banks, meal programs and food pantries and cupboards. See all places in Brantford and County of Brant at


What is one technique to plan meals for less money? 

Check flyers for food items on sale. Plan meals around good buys. Plan meals with ingredients that tend to cost less or have fewer ingredients. Plan to use the same ingredient for multiple meals.


What is the best way to plan meals for a family of different preferences, even when there are "picky eaters" in the house? 

Make one meal for everyone. Offer everyone the same food at mealtimes. Avoid making something special for ‘picky’ eaters. Children will learn to like many different foods only if they are exposed to them. Parents are often role-models for influencing their kid’s food choices. If they see you eating it, they will be more likely to try it too. Making only one meal also saves money and prevents waste. 


What is a way you could save money on pre-cut fruit or vegetables?

Save money by preparing and cutting up your own at home. When fruit and vegetables are pre-cut in the fridge, we tend to choose them more easily since they are convenient. 


How much of your plate or meal is recommended to be a good source of protein? (as per Canada's food guide)

Keep a portion of protein to about a quarter of your plate or meal. It is common to overestimate the amount of protein (especially meat) you should eat which can also be costly.


What is something you should do before grocery shopping that can help prevent food waste? 

Check food supplies in your fridge, freezer, and cupboard to see what you have on hand and what needs to get used up soon. Do this before grocery shopping.


What is a tool people can use to buy only what you need? 

Use a shopping list/grocery list to help you buy only what you need. 


How can you make your typical food fun and interesting? 

Try different shapes, colours and textures at meals and snacks. Try dips, sauces and seasonings. Some other suggestions include: Have a build-your-own-bar with different toppings like stuffed baked potatoes, mini pizzas or soft tacos. Try a themed night from different cuisines from around the world. 


Are frozen and canned fruits and vegetables a nutritious choice? 

Yes. Freezing does NOT decrease the number of vitamins or minerals in fruit and vegetables. In fact, frozen fruit and vegetables can sometimes be more nutritious than fresh. Buy larger cans or packages and repack into smaller containers for school lunches or work. Aim for fruit packed in water instead of syrup for less added sugar.


Lower priced meats can be less tender. How can you make meat more tender? 

• Marinate meat overnight in the refrigerator. • Pound the meat using a meat mallet before cooking. • Cook meat slowly for a few hours in a liquid such as water or broth. • Using a crock pot to cook lower priced, tougher meats will help your meat come out tender and almost falling apart.


When is a worse time for people to go grocery shopping in terms of their hunger level?

Usually when people go grocery shopping when hungry, then tend to impulse buy, and buy things that were not on their lists. 


What type of food at the grocery store is usually the most expensive for the least nutrition? 

Highly processed foods tend to be the most expensive and have the least nutrition. They also tend to be high in sugar, salt and saturated fat. 


Who should decide how much food a child eats?

Let the child decide how much they want to eat, or if they want to eat at all. You decide what foods to serve and when (aim for regular mealtimes), but let children decide how much and if they will eat. Respect children’s appetites and trust that they will eat when they are hungry. Don’t pressure kids to eat. You will have fewer battles over food this way. Try to remain neutral about how much and if they decide to eat rather than disciplining them. 


Name at least one fruit that you could store at room temperate to ripen then store in the fridge to last longer? 

kiwi, mango, melon, peaches and nectarines, pears, plums


How can you store milk to keep it longer, especially if it is on sale? 

Milk can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw bags of milk in your refrigerator and shake it before you open it.


What is something that you should consider slowly building for emergency situations? 

An emergency stock of food and water. You may want to consider slowly building an emergency stock of bottled water and shelf-stable food such as pasta, rice, canned fish, vegetables, and fruit and beans when these items are on sale.


What is an easy way to compare the cost of similar foods of different sizes? (for example, how could you compare two similar vegetable oils that are in different sizes?)

Check unit prices to help you compare similar foods of different sizes. (i.e. $2.99/lb)


How can you encourage someone to try a new food? 

It can help someone try a new food when they learn about it. Talk about how the food is grown or made, where it might come from, what the taste and texture is like and similar to, and how people eat it. Smell and feel the food. Do not pressure the person to eat it, as this ends up making people not want to eat it. Offer it without pressure, and pair it with food that is familiar. 


What is a way that keeps fruit and vegetables longer in the fridge in general? 

Keep vegetables and fruit apart! Fruit makes a gas that causes vegetables to spoil. If you have two drawers in your fridge, put vegetables in one and fruit in the other.


What is an example of a very low cost, nutritious protein that is plant-based? 

Tofu, beans, peas, or lentils. Frozen, dried or canned can all be good options for beans and lentils. Less-processed forms of plant-based protein (such as beans, lentils, and tofu) cost less and have less saturated fat, sodium and tend to have shorter ingredient lists.


Is buying food in bulk always a good way to save money? 

Buying foods in larger amounts can sometimes save you money. Be sure you have enough extra money and storage and fridge/freezer space to buy in bulk. Not all bulk items are best buys. Check the unit price. Buy only foods that your family will use up before spoiling. Remember what you truly need, versus what you want.  
