name a white vegetable
Cauliflower, Onions, Mushrooms, and Garlic
name a red fruit
Apple, Red Dragon Fruit, Raspberry, Plum, Cherry, Strawberry
what do cows make for us to drink
name something you can make with chicken
chicken nuggets, chicken strips, chicken burgers, ect
what is the vegetable that makes pickles
whats the fruit that is also a color
what is the most popular food in the world
what are the most popular vegetable in italy
what is the biggest fruit in the world
The jackfruit
whats the most popular drink in the world that's not water
what is the most eaten food in Mexico that is not a taco
what are the main vegetables you make to start a soup
( hint there's 4)
Onions, carrots, celery and mushrooms
whats a fruit and also a animal
true or false did coke a cola come out in 1898
FALSE answer is 1886
where did cupcakes come from?
originated in the United States in the 19th century
what was the first vegetable in the whole world
Onions and peas
what is the hardest fruit to find in the whole world
the cloudberry
who made the drink Pepsi
Caleb Bradham
How long does homemade jerky last?