The main meat dish that people eat at Thanksgiving
Turkey 🍗🦃
Sweetened dessert that is baked in the oven but isn't actually a cake?
Cheese Cake 🍰
A sweet, edible fruit available in red, green, yellow, and produced by a tree.
Apples 🍎🍏
An Italian dish consisting largely of noodles and sauce.
Spaghetti 🍝
The world's largest fast food restaurant famous for their golden arches
McDonald's 🍟
Often eaten with ketchup, mustard, or relish on the 4th of July
Hot Dogs 🌭
Made with a crust and pastry dough that covers a filling of various sweet or salty ingredients
Pie 🥧
A widely cultivated plant that's green and can be made into pickles?
Cucumber 🥒
Spanish dish made of rice and an assortment of meat and seafood
Paella 🥘
The home of the Whopper
Burger King 🍔
What is the main food eaten on a birthday?
Birthday cake
A baked food that is flat, sweet, and has chocolate chips in it
Cookies 🍪
A fruit that is green on top and orange on the bottom?
Carrot 🥕
A Japanese dish that is a small roll of raw fish, vegetables, or egg
Sushi 🍣
One of the largest franchises all over the world, mainly known for its sandwiches and salads
Subway 🥪
Traditionally made with milk, cream, sugar, whipped egg whites, and egg yolks and drank during the Christmas holiday season
Eggnog 🍶
A square, baked, chocolate dessert, mostly served with ice cream on top
Brownie 🟫
Brown on the outside and yellow on the inside. Big and prickly fruit with leaves that grow on top of it.
Pineapple 🍍
French baked bread with usually a chocolate cream filling
Chocolate croissant
Market leader in the hot regular/decaf flavored coffee, iced coffee, donuts, bagels and muffins
Dunkin Donuts 🍩
What food is eaten on valentines day?
Traditional dessert served in Thanksgiving
Pumpkin Pie 🎃
Green leafy vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked
Cabbage 🥬
Pasta in the shape of pockets of dough containing a savory filling (could be meat or cheese)
Famous fast food chain known for their ice cream
Baskin Robbins 🍦