Length of time to reheat food to 165 F
What is 2 hours?
Using a meat probe thermometer we should cook fish to a minimum internal temp of?
What is 145 F
This is the removal of visible dirt and debris
What is Cleaning?
Finding a hair, fingernail, or piece of metal in your food is an example of?
What is a physical hazard?
Planning ahead and sitting food in the fridge 1 - 2 days ahead of time to thaw is?
What is the best method to thaw food?
Length of time it takes to cool food from 135 to 70
What is 2 hours?
The temperature of the first compartment of the 3 compartment sink should have water at a minimum of
What is 110 F
Fifo stands for?
What is First in First out?
Having a cleaning agent, pesticide, or sanitizer found in food service on items served to a customer is a
What is a Chemical Hazard?
Examples of (minimum of 2) proper methods of cooling food.
What is an ice paddle, ice bath, storing in smaller portion containers, blast chiller, and not stacking?
Cooling food from 135 - 41 should be done within
What is 6 hours?
The temperature of hamburger meat should be cooked at a minimum of ?
What is 155 F?
TCS stands for?
What is Time - Temperature Control for Safety
Contaminants that contain bacteria, fungi, and viruses are examples of?
What are Biological Hazards?
Cutting board used for raw fish.
What is a blue cutting board?
Cooling food from 70 - 41 should be done in
What is 4 hrs?
This has a range of 135 - 41 and is the temperature range where food has the greatest risk.
What is the temperature danger zone?
The use of chemicals or heat to reduce the number of microorganisms.
What is Sanitizing?
Keeping foods in the temperature danger zone for longer than 4 hours should result in?
What is discarding or throwing away?
Food may only be stored for a certain amount of time in the fridge before discarding, what is that amount of time?
What is the 7th day or 7 days?
Using the meat prob thermometer we should check the temperature in the thickest part of a whole roast to check for 145 F for?
What is 4 minutes?
In the 3rd compartment of sanitizing with heat we should have a minimum temp of ?
What is 171 F?
The process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect.
What is cross contamination?
These are at least 4 of the 8 allergens that are the most common.
What are eggs, shellfish, peanuts, wheat, soybean, milk, fish, tree nuts?
These are the 5 steps in correct order for the process of washing dishes.
What is scrape off excess food, wash, rinse, sanitize, and air dry?