While other things may be a-PEEL-ing, we use this phrase when someone loves something like CRAZY.
What is, "go bananas?"
To make harsh information more attainable and easy to swallow. Some could say we made it... sweeter.
What is, " to sugarcoat"?
A starchy person who loves inactivity.
What is "a couch potato?"
When someone gets upset over the littlest things, you tell someone to get a paper towel and stop doing this.
What is, "crying over spilled milk"?
We say this when someone reveals a secret.
What is, "spill the beans?"
Said about two people who are close to each other. AKA me and your mom
What is, "two peas in a pod"?
While theft is generally frowned upon, against this little parasite it is forgiven. We use this to mean something is particularly easy to achieve.
What is, "like taking candy from a baby"?
When you are getting someone to keep doing something irresponsible, it's best not to yolk about it.
What is, "egging someone on"?
When someone who is pretty unreliable tells us something, it is recommended we do this. Maybe get a glass of water while you're at it.
What is, "take it with a pinch (grain) of salt?"
We say this when we adore someone while keeping doctors at bay.
What is, "the apple of his/her eye?"
When a situation sours, we use this to describe feeling stuck.
What is, "be in a pickle?"
We use this when our measly little problems are outweighed by our more important problems. You are gonna need a bigger boat.
What is, "having bigger fish to fry"?
This is when you flatter or compliment someone to get something out of them, or what you do to a piece of toast...
What is, "butter (someone) up?"
Besides when used at the spa, this is said when someone is very calm or relaxed in a difficult situation
What is, "as cool as a cucumber?"
Which expression means it's not the kind of thing that I like.
What is, "not my cup of tea?"
What is, "the meat and potatoes"?
While doing this actual action may cause choking, this phrase is about when someone takes on more than they can handle.
What is "bite off more than you can chew?"
When someone is trying to have the good stuff without the bad. For some reason, all the examples were wanting good transportation while complaining about paying taxes. Nothing witty this is just the only examples I found...
What is "have one's cake and eat it too"?
Some things in life are inevitable and unchangeable so instead of having a chocolate CHIP on your shoulder, you have to accept them.
What is "That's just the way the cookie crumbles"
Instructions to the breadwinner of the family to pay the bills no matter how greasy.
What is, "bring home the bacon"?