A candy bar is a healthy Snack. True or false
This macronutrient is essential for growth and repair of tissues.
Chicken, fish, are examples of this food group.
Food from Animals
What is the first thing you should look at on a nutrition label?
Serving Size
Unscramble this Healthy Snack. PPSLAEESCIL
Apple Slices
A, D, E, and K are all types of these.
A food is classified as a fruit because it contains:
This tells you when a food is no longer consumable.
Expiration date
A Spread made from ground peanuts.
Peanut butter
These are inorganic substances essential for health, like calcium and iron.
This Food Group should be the most prominent in a balanced diet
This number on the label represents the amount of energy the body will get from one serving.
This Orange Colored food makes a good snack.
Carrots or Oranges
This Vitamin is found in citrus fruits and helps keep the immune system healthy
Vitamin C
Consuming too much of this food group can lead to obesity and other diseases.
Fats and oils