What does %DV stand for on a food label?
What is Percent Daily Value?
Find a label that contains more than 10 grams of protein per serving.
Varies by label. First correct label wins points.
If a serving size is 1 cup and you eat 2 cups, how do you calculate calories consumed?
What is Double the calories listed?
Which nutrient helps balance the effects of sodium in the body?
What is Potassium?
What can you eat instead of chips to reduce sodium intake?
What is Unsalted nuts, popcorn, or fresh veggies?
What is the recommended daily sodium limit for most adults?
What is 2,300 milligrams?
Find a label with the highest amount of fiber per serving in the room
Varies by label. Highest fiber wins point
True or False: Serving size is based on how much you should eat.
What is False?
True or False: Trans fats are safe if they are under 1 gram per serving.
What is False?
If you're craving something sweet, what's a healthier option than a candy bar?
What is fruit or yogurt?
If a label says "low-fat", how much fat is allowed per serving?
What is 3 grams or less?
Find a food with less than 100 calories per serving.
Varies by label. First correct label wins points.
A food has 150 calories per serving and 3 servings in a package. How many calories are in the entire package?
What is 450 calories?
Name two foods that are naturally high in fiber.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans.
What is a better beverage option than soda to reduce added sugars?
What is water, unsweetened tea, or sparkling water?
What is the difference between "added sugars" and "total sugars"?
Total sugars include both natural and added sugars; added sugars are those added during processing.
Identify a label with a hidden sugar name like "maltose" or "corn syrup."
Varies by label.
Why might companies use small serving sizes on food labels?
To make calorie, fat, or sugar amounts appear lower.
What is the daily fiber recommendation for adults?
About 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men?
What is a good swap for white bread to increase fiber intake?
What is whole grain or whole wheat bread?
Name three nutrients you should limit for better health.
What is Saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars?
Find a food label where the serving size seems unrealistic.
Varies by label.
Which nutrient’s amount can vary greatly depending on serving size: Fiber, Protein, or Sodium?
What is Sodium?
Which type of fat is better for heart health: Saturated fat or unsaturated fat?
What is unsaturated fat.
If you're cutting down on saturated fat, which protein is a better option: Salmon or fried chicken?
What is Salmon?