What are healthy foods you can buy in bulk?
Potatoes, frozen fruits and veggies, beans, rice, cereals, granola, oats, meats
Identify a healthy food for each color of the rainbow
R - Berries, Peppers, Potatoes, Red Onions
O - Oranges, Carrots, Tomatoes
Y - Bananas, Lemons, Yellow Beans
G - Squash, Peas, Kale, Zucchini
B - Blueberries
V - Eggplants
All the others...
Can having fluids before a meal compromise your appetite and/or food intake?
Yes. Try to have fluids with the meal.
How many glasses of water should you have throughout the day?
Your fluid intake is probably adequate if:
This is typically considered a vegetable by many and is has so many uses in our daily diet. It is also frequently spelled inaccurately.
Tomatoes contain seeds and grow from flowers, making them a fruit botanically. But in their culinary uses, tomatoes are considered vegetables.
What is a cozy kettle meal that includes many components of the My Plate?
Homemade Soups & Chilis
What is the benefit(s) of eating a rainbow diet?
Healthier for you, a variety of nutrients, minerals, & vitamins, pretty presentation, good digestion, sustains interest in food
If having had a meal and are still feeling hungry, what might you want to try.
Try drinking water
What is the MIND Diet?
What Is the MIND Diet and Does It Help Your Brain?
What Do You Eat on MIND?
Eat From 10 Food Groups:
And Avoid These 5 Foods
Does anyone know, how the origin of names for the following:
Raspberry, Cabbage, Potato, Kiwi, Squash, Onion, Coconut, Apple, Egg Plant or Passion Fruit.
10 Surprising Origins of Fruit and Vegetable Names - Toptenz.net
(To facilitator, copy blue and click on magnifier to access web page.)
M - Meat & Potatoes w/ Veggies
T - Tacos
W - Western Omelets
Th - Thin Crust Pizza
F - Fish
What are these examples of?
Meal planning on a routine basis
True or False: Fruit has sugar.
Fruit is made of natural sugars, these sugars are a combination of fructose, glucose, and sucrose.
38 Facts About Sugar - Facts.net
What are some examples of nutritional fluids/beverages that may help you receive nutrients that you may be missing?
Carnation Instant Breakfast
Protein Powders
Consider making your provider aware of this.
Can you name one food that supports brain health?
(4 minutes 28 seconds)
(2 minutes 20 seconds)
(To group facilitator, link one is of
Can you name the top 5 most versatile vegetables?
AND, can you share a food preparation tip with the group?
5 Most Versatile Vegetables (and Fruits) for Healthy Cooking – Happy Body Formula
(To Group facilitator, copy and click on magnifier to take you to web page)
How can you save money when shopping for groceries and cooking?
Generic vs. Name Brand, Pay attention to sales, Don't shop hungry, Have a list & stick to it, Take time to review ads, Buy in bulk, Cook & share w/ friends, Managing your refrigerator, Eating your leftovers
What is your pot of gold at the end of your rainbow diet?
Better sleep, weight control, helps our thinking process, muscle strength, mood stability, digestion, manage depressive & anxiety symptoms
What is one strategy that you can use if finding it difficult to have the traditional three meals in a day?
Eat small and frequent snacks throughout the day.
Name five foods/liquids that have a positive impact on one's mood.
Food source with B Vitamins: Fish, Beef Liver, Chicken, Eggs and Dairy, Spinach, Beans, Oats, Nuts and seeds, bananas
Water! Our brain needs the O (Oxygen) of H2O!
Essential Fatty Acids: Omega 3 and 6
Cooking at home is less expensive than...
Eating out at restaurants and fast food chains.
What are some rainbow diet options that you can select from your menu?
(Group facilitator may want to have sample menu options for review, or reference a list of options)
How can you manage an appetite challenge to ensure that you are receiving enough energy throughout the day?
Keep high calorie and high protein snacks handy.
Examples: Trail mix, smoothies, peanut butter and crackers, Cheese and crackers, yogurt, pretzels, nuts, etc.
How does good nutrition help with the physical healing process? For example, post surgery, cuts and scrapes, bruises, etc.
When you’re healing, your body needs:
Without enough of all of these, your body may not have the resources to properly repair your wound, which can lead to a slower healing process or even complications.
Can you name one of the weirdest fruits or vegetables that you have come across or consumed?