U.S. History
Global History
Effects on Agriculture
Effects on Low-Income Countries
Effects on Political Relationships

When was the USDA started?



Which country created the process of fermentation?



The Renewable Fuel Standard emerged with the Policy Act in 2005, this policy requires transport fuel to maintain a minimum volume of renewable fuel (i.e. ethanol, from soybeans, corn) --- how will this impact agriculture?

May increase additional acreage into use that is used as farmland increasing  carbon emissions. This will also increase food prices.


How many people in low- and middle-income countries are malnourished?

The FAO says that according to a 2015 study, nearly 800 million people around the world are malnourished.


Some analyses indicate that three factors affecting governance on all levels also share some blame for food insecurity. What are these three factors?

Globalization, power of transnational corporations, and weak public regulations.


When did food policies start being implemented in the United States?



When and where was the canning system created?

Europe in 1810


There are four levers of policy that can be pulled on the demand side of the equation. What are they?

They are, “reducing overconsumption of food,  reorienting diets towards more sustainable patterns, reducing food waste, and limiting the growth in “non-food” demand for agricultural commodities.”


What countries are mainly affected by aflatoxins in crops and why?

A study based on literature from high aflatoxin areas suggested aflatoxins were responsible for 17% of hepato-cellular carcinoma, or 72,800–98,000 cases, equivalent to 1.1 million DALYs. Most cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and China where hepatitis B prevalence is high and aflatoxin exposure in food is common and uncontrolled.


Morocco’s Green plan focuses on a system of contractual agriculture. How effective is this plan?

The Green Plan has contributed 48% to an increase in the agricultural gross domestic product per capita in rural areas, a 4.9% reduction in malnutrition, and the effective eradication of hunger (only 0.5%) in rural areas.


What was the policy before the FDCA (Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act) in 1938?

The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906


What was the name of the first refrigerated ship?

SS Dunedin


How many agencies and departments  handle parts of the food system and what are the two most important? As well, how many laws interact with Food safety?

20 federal departments and agencies with the Food and Drug administration and the department of Agriculture. Also there are at least 30 Federal laws that interact with food safety.


How many countries suffer from different forms of malnutrition?

More than a third of low-income countries have overlapping forms of malnutrition. In the 1990s, 45 of 123 countries were affected. In the 2010s, 48 of 126 countries were affected. These countries are particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and east Asia and the Pacific.


How strong of a relationship is there between food insecurity and political instability?

It depends, however it leans more towards the negative.. Conflicts are more likely to result from abundant profitable resources like oil and diamonds rather than the dearth of necessary resources such as basic foodstuffs.


When was the Federal Farm Loan Act (FFLA) passed?



What was created in 1947 to reduce tariff-based trade barriers and to prevent the downward spiral of world trade?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)


In what ways is the Federal government’s food policy limited?

Federal policy is limited to the food that travels in interstate commerce.


How do low- and middle-income countries suffer from having a lack of food-safeness?

Eleven studies reported that despite food safety concerns, consumers could not always ensure that they consumed safe food; their barriers were affordability, accessibility and appeal. The key concerns of these people included: fear of pesticides, fertilizers, hygiene in/around food outlets, unhygienic vendor practices, and household storage/preparation methods.


How many people have gone hungry since the adoption of Zero hunger as one of the goals of the UN?

The number of people who are under-nourished has actually increased to 690 million in 2019, up by almost 60 million since 2014.


When was the first Food Stamps Program started?



What in Europe and North America in the 20th century impacted food demand and global food trade?

Rising discretionary incomes


Most states until recently had prohibited “cottage” (small, local) foods from being sold but states have started to change that.  How many states have changed these laws?

Ten states have changed their laws, with Wyoming being the most permissive state about “Cottage” food.


How are low- and middle-income countries suffering due to the cost of food?

Due to being low- and middle-income, these countries suffer due to the cost of international shipping as well as the cost of national food. These people are unable to afford the high prices (not including the taxes that are placed) and therefore, many are malnourished and have little access to proper nutrition.


What are some countries  that have done “resource grabs” of agricultural land abroad?

These countries are the Gulf States and East Asian states that take advantage of weaker institutions and protections in developing countries.
