Go bad / go/be off
A _____ of chocolate
A bar of chocolate
_ apple a day keeps a doctor away.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Я приготувала цей десерт сама. Пригощайся!
I made this dessert myself. Help yourself!
Оплачувати рахунок
Pay the bill
Набирати вагу
A _____ of jam
A jar of jam
Buy me _ chocolate, please.
Buy me some chocolate, please.
Краще викинь цей хліб, він вже черствий.
Better throw this bread away, it's already stale.
A ____ of milk
A carton/glass/cup of milk
Have a sweet tooth
A ____ of cake
A piece of cake
_ banana is my favorite fruit.
Banana is my favorite fruit.
Після того як вона різко скинула вагу, лікар діагностував в неї розлад харчування.
After she had lost a lot of weight, the doctor diagnosed her with an eating disorder.
There are __ candies leaft for you in the kitchen.
There are some candies leaft for you in the kitchen.
Правильне харчування
Proper nutrition
A ____ of bread
A loaf of bread
I ate only _ apple for _ breakfast.
I ate only an apple for breakfast.
Через проблеми зі здоров'ям я вирішила скоротити вживання кави і солодкого, а також притримуватись дієти.
Due to health problems, I decided to cut down on coffee and sweets.
Let's go out for a meal together. We haven't seen each other for a long time.
A ____ of buiscuits
A packet of buiscuits
There are _ fruit on the table: _ orange, _ grapes and _ grapefruit.
There are some fruit on the table: an orange, (some) grapes and a grapefruit.
Нам сподобався ресторан, тому після основної страви ми замовили додаткову порцію і залишили чайові.
We liked the restaurant for its delicious food, so after the main course we ordered the second helping and left a tip.
Важливо підтримувати збалансовану дієту, поєднуючи жири, білки і вугледи.
It is important to maintain a balanced diet, combining fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.