What is the temperature chicken needs to be cooked inside
What is a physical hazard
4 hours
What is The time food can be held in the danger zone
What is chicken and poultry
6 inches from the floor
What is the minimum height shelves and food items have to be off the floor
What is the minimal temperature of food holding
What is a chemical hazard
20 seconds
What is the time your supposed to wash your hands for
What is pork
This acronym is intended for keeping fresh goods in proper rotation
What is F.I.F.O
Correct temperature for holding hot food
What is a biological hazard
15-20 seconds
What is the time you need to hold a temperature on a thermometer
What is cooking temperature for shelled eggs
The 4 hour window hot food is observed in
What is the danger zone
Correct temperature for sanitizing water for dishes
What is a physical hazard
At least 30 seconds
What is the minimum amount of time dishes should be in hot water to sanitize in manual dishwashing
What is the temperature for ground meat
The correct order dishes should be done manually
What is wash, rinse sanitizer
What is the danger zone
What is a biological hazard
At least 60 seconds
What is the amount of time dishes need to be in a chemical solution to be sanitized at 50 ppm which is 1/2 oz or 1 tbsp to 1 Gallon water
90 days
What are shelfish
This acronym is created by the dept of health and mental hygiene that describes everything under food sanitation
What is h.a.c.c.p