This is what should do after taking out the garbage, using the restroom, sneezing, coughing, touching hair, face or body, and taking out the trash
What is wash your hands?
This is the only utensil you should use to open a can.
What is a can opener?
What is something you can use to put out a grease fire?
What is baking soda, salt, or lid?
Safe or unsafe to store extra pots and pans in the oven
What is unsafe?
This is the only thing we should mix a chemical with in a spray bottle
What is water?
This is the type of board you use when using a knife
What is a cutting board?
This is when you should refrigerate perishable foods
When is 2 hours?
Safe or unsafe to store meats on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator
What is safe?
This is what food handlers should do after touching their hair, face, or body?
What is wash their hands?
This is how you should store knives
What is a knife block?
These are the people that are most at risk for food poisoning
Who are older adults, very young children, and people with chronic illnesses?
This is what you should use to remove a pan from a stove top
What is an oven mitten?
This is what food handlers should do after prepping food and before using the restroom
What is take off their aprons?
This is what you store leftovers in the refrigerator in
What are covered containers?
This is what PASS stands for when referring to the fire extinguisher
What is Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep
This is the reason you should not store meats on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator
What is, so others foods will not get contaminated.
These are the 5 steps to hand washing in order.
What is wet your hands, apply soap, scrub hands, rinse hands, and dry hands?
These are the four steps to keeping food safe?
What is clean, cook, separate, and chill
These are the 5 main kitchen hazards
What is falls, cuts, electrical shocks, burns, and poison?
This is something you should not use with wet hands
What are electrical appliances?