Tell the three steps to the safest way to remove a pan from the oven.
1. Open oven door all the way (doesn't flip back closed on your arms)
2. Pull out rack (so your hands will not accidentally touch the burner on top)
3. Use oven mitts to pull out pan
When you get a burn how long should you run it under cool (not cold) water for.
Until it no longer hurts when you pull it out of the water (it is still burning under the skin)
What are 2 symptoms to Food Poisoning
Headache, vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea
How long should you wash your hands, state the minimum!
20 seconds or longer.
Name the 3 macronutrients
Protein, Fat, Carbs
There is a fire in the frying pan on the stove. The best thing to do is.
Smother it with a lid.
The most dangerous knife is
A dull knife
Eating raw cookie dough or raw eggs could lead to this foodborne illness
Paint can hide dirt, long nails hold more dirt/germs that can lead to food contamination
Name 5 micronutrients (ONLY 3 VITAMINS)
Vitamin A, B, C, D
Iron, Calcium, Magnesium
The best way to carry a knife is
By the handle, blade down - tucked beside not in front of your body
Cords could melt on the stove.
Cause electrocution if in water.
Bacteria multiplies rapidly between the temperatures of:
a) 0-40F
b) 40-140F
c) 140-160F
b) 40-140F
also call the danger zone
Name three times you need to rewash your hands.
After handling raw meat.
Before and after handling food.
After going to the bathroom.
After handling your phone, pets, money etc.
What is considered a low, good and great source of a micronutrient? Tell the percentages.
less than 5% - low
10-15% - good
higher than 15% - great
What are the steps to using the fire extinguisher.
1) Pull the pin
2) Aim
3) Squeeze the trigger
4) Sweep back and forth at the base of the fire
If a student severely hurts themself in the kitchen they could act strangely (not reacting or running away etc) What is this called?
Name the food culprit that causes that causes the most food borne illness cases recorded to date
Chicken (5% of all total food borne illness cases recorded are related to chicken)
Should you wash raw meat and seafood before cooking?
No, harmful bacteria will have just spread in your kitchen sink.
Tell two things you want in all the carbs you choose.
Whole Grain, Fiber
You left cooked food out on the counter for 8 hours, what should you do?
a) cook the food for an additional 30 min
b) eat the food
c) place the food in the freezer to kill microorganisms
d) throw the food away
d) throw the food away it has been in the danger zone temperature for far too long.
Name 3 dress code in the kitchen rules
No loose clothing or strings/ ties hanging down
No jewlery
Hair Tied Back
No nailpolish
Closed toed shoes
Elderly (65+)
Very young (under 5)
Pregnant women
People with weakened immune systems
When thawing meat in the refrigerator where should you place it?
On a plate, on the bottom rack of the fridge so that is does not leak on lower foods.
unsaturated fats