The danger zone temperature range
4 to 60 c or 40 to 140 f
Sanitizing a work surface can help stop the _________ of bacteria.
bacteria like foods that are high this_________ because its a source of food for them to mulitply.
Safe knife is a _____________ Knife?
What is the safe reheating temperature
165f- 74c
How should we reheat foods?
Foods that are a prime environment for bacterial growth are known as?
potentially hazardous foods
Measures to prevent cross-contamination.
Handwashing, washing and sanitizing tools, equipment and surfaces.
Safe cutting grip
claw grip
The fridge should be below what temperature ?
4c - 40f
What is the use of a vehicle or object for transmission pathogens known as ?
indirect or cross-contamination.
Foods that can be kept at room temperature are known as?
non perishable or shelf stable.
#1 cause (handling error) of foodborne illnesses
improper cooling
Keep this away from hot oil.
what is considered the minimum safe hot holding temperature.
60c or 140f
Sanitizing kills what?
Physical contaminate
nail, glass, wood.
We can use what to clearly communicate potential hazards in the kitchen.
Our voices
Dangerzone is a temp range where_________multiplies quickly.
what it is, date, sometimes who made it.
Beef jerky is low in what? Making it less potentially hazardous.
Good personal hygiene can stop the spread of?
Bad places for knives
hidden or in a sink or up high