This needs to be appropriately trimmed or tied back.
What is hair?
When dealing with raw meats, do this before and after handling.
What is wash hands?
Food must be stored at least this far off the floor.
What is 6 inches?
Hot foods should be above this temperature.
What is 135 degrees?
You know a food is the right temperature by using this.
What is a thermometer?
You can cover your hair with a hat or this.
What is a hair net?
After being washed, all dishes, pots, pans and utensils must _______.
What is air dry?
When receiving delivered products or prepared items, do these two things before storing.
What is label and date?
The danger zone is this range of temperatures.
What is 41 degrees to 135 degrees?
When cooling prepared food, store it in pans no deeper than this.
What is 2 inches?
Always take off your apron before doing this.
What is using the bathroom?
This food preparation surface is often color-coded to prevent cross-contamination.
What are cutting boards?
This system of checking dates before serving uses the acronym FIFO.
What is First In/First Out?
Bacteria grows most rapidly in this temperature range.
What is 70 degree to 125 degrees?
You can cool foods quickly with a blast chiller or this.
What is a ice bath?
The following are reasons to do this action:
1. Changing tasks. 2. Getting dirty. 3. Handling meat. 4. Touching trash. 5. Touching face or hair. 6.Touching your phone. 7. Shaking someone's hand.
What is change gloves? (Also correct: Wash hands)
Cleaning uses soap and water. Sanitizing uses _____ and _____.
What is chemicals and heat?
In a refrigerator, this group of foods should be on the top.
What is prepared foods?
Cook fish, shellfish, lamb, beef and pork to at least this temperature.
What is 145 degrees?
Cook ground beef to this temperature.
What is 155 degrees?
Wear loose-fitting pants and __________ shoes.
What is non-slip shoes? (Also correct: close-toed)
Food contact surfaces should be ____, _____, and _____ between each use.
What is washed, rinsed and sanitized?
The top to bottom order of refrigerated meat storage is:
Cook poultry and stuffed foods to at least this temperature.
What is 165 degrees?
Hot foods must remain this temperature throughout the service period.
What is 135 degrees?