Healthy hands
Fridge Facts
Clean it up!
Cooking Care
Dont cross me!
Wearing false or painted _________ can hide dirt and lead to physical contamination of food.
What is Fingernails
When packing food for lunch or a picnic, refrigerated food will be safe for several hours if: a. The food is in a backpack b. A special ice pack is included c. The food was cooked d. All of the above
What is a special ice pack is included

What kind of illness can be caused by unclean conditions?

What is a foodborne illness

What is the first thing you need to do before cooking?
What is wash your hands.
Define Cross-contamination
What is when bacteria spreads from one food to another.
After handling pets, ________ should be washed.
What is Hands.
What temperatures are recommended for FREEZING foods?
What is 0 degrees.
When should you wash your hands? (List 3)
What is before and after handling food, after going to the bathroom, handling pets, money, etc..
You left cooked food out on the counter for 8 hours, what should you do? a. Cook the food for an additional 30 minutes. b. Eat the food. c. Throw the food away.
What is throw the food away.
How does cross-contamination occur?
What is never ever let any raw meat, utensil,or surface touch a cooked meat.

When serving food at a church supper, servers should wear _________ _________.

What is disposable gloves

What temperatures are recommended for REFRIGERATING foods?
What is 40 degrees or below.
The rules of food safety are___________ _______________ ______________ _____________ a. Clean, Combat cross contamination, Cook, and Chill b. Clean, Cut, Cook and Chill c. Combat cross contamination, Cook, Chill and Cut d. Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill
What is Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill.
Which of the following ways is NOT a safe way to defrost raw meat? A. In the refrigerator B. On the counter C. In the microwave
What is on the counter
Which food should you always keep separate to avoid cross-contamination? a. Fresh vegetables and raw meat. b. Raw chicken. c. Fresh peeled potatoes d. Cooked meat and vegetables.
What is fresh vegetables and raw meat
Before handling food, you should wash your hands for a minimum of how many seconds?
What is 20 seconds

Why are temperatures between 41 and 135 degrees F called the "danger zone"?

What is bacteria will multiply rapidly and the food will become unsafe to eat.

Should you washed raw meat and seafood before cooking?
What is no, harmful bacteria can spread in the kitchen sink.
What's the maximum amount of time that you can leave any leftover chicken out on the table, in case anyone wants to go back for more? A. 20 Minutes B. 2 hours C. 4 hours
What is 2 hours.

How can we prevent cross-contamination?

What is separating raw meat from cooked or ready to eat food like fruits and vegetables. Washing utensils. Washing your hands.

Licking raw cookie dough off the mixing spoon or eating raw eggs could cause this foodborne illness.
What is Salmonellosis.
When thawing meat in the refrigerator place it on a plate on the _________ shelf.
What is bottom.

What are the 3 types of food contaminants? a. Viral, physical, and sanitizers. b. Biological, viral, and chemical. c. Biological, microbial, and bacterial. d. Biological, physical, and chemical.

What is d. Biological, physical, and chemical.


What should be the minimum internal temperature of a hamburger that has been safely cooked?

What is 165 degrees F.

What illness can you get from cross-contamination?
What is foodborne illness. Salmonellosis.