Interesting choices!
Think about this
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...
Handle with Care
Watch out!

The cashier rings a student with an allergen. The lines were backed up so the cashier thought she had to move the students through fast so they would have enough time to eat lunch. The cashier hit the X, closed the box, and went on to the next student.

What did she do wrong?

The cashier did not pause to read the alert to ensure the allergen was not part of the meal. 

The manager should update the cashier Allery menu sign daily or weekly for reference at the register.


The cook portions nacho cheese sauce in 2 oz cups and freezes it. Early in the morning, on the day of service, they set the frozen cups in the passthrough to warm it for service. What did they do wrong?

Using the passthrough to warm up food. Food doesn't pass through the danger zone fast enough.


Some of the things we like to do between us are watching reality TV and shopping online. One of us has lots of cats and has been to Death Valley. One of my friends is a great runner and loves traveling to Cardorado. In the workplace, we work with new hire schedules, professional learning, recruiting staff, reassigning staff, and answering handbook questions. I'm the quiet one in the bunch, I like camping, movies, and partying with friends. You will find me doing payroll, Sysco credits and pick-ups, quick booking, catering, warehouse, and staffing POs.

I'm glad you got to know a little about us. Who are we?

Administrative team

Diep Dinh

Amy Elliot

Lisa Tippet

Brenda Clark


Where should we never find knives and where should they be stored?

Knives should never be stored or found inside sinks, drawers, or shelves. 

knives should be stored in the Knife rack on the wall.


I am not allowed in the kitchen but I am the first thing you notice when you look into my eyes!!
Who am I ? 

False eyelashes


New hire starts at a school for 10 days of training. During this time they are working as a helper with one of the cooks but don't have an instruction sheet and can not work independently. The supervisor signs off on the training on campus checklist and never checks on the new hire. When moved to another school, the new hire didn't know what to do.
How can we avoid this?

The supervisor is responsible for the training of their staff. 

Make an instruction sheet and follow up daily to ensure the new cook is learning and can do the job. This helps with accountability
Do not sign off if they need more time. Talk to Admin Services and fill out the correct information on the checklists. 


The cook clocks in washes hands, puts on gloves, grabs a cart, goes to the freezer to get a case of hamburgers, sets the case on the table, and starts preparing the trays. 

What did they do wrong?

The cook puts on gloves, touches everything, and does not wash and change gloves before handling food. 

(Cart, door handle, boxes, and more)


I like sports and making fabulous shirts. 

And I enjoy reading and watching movies. 

You will find us working with lunch accounts in the workplace. We also do account payables, refunds, and deposits, we also work with Laserfiche. We are glad you got to know us better, who are we?

Sherry Irby

Angie Campbell


There are 9 major food Allergens.

Who are we?

Wheat - Soy - Egg - Milk - Fish - Shellfish - Peanut- Tree nuts - Sesame


I love toes, bare feet, and floors and sometimes you are not right for me. But using me keeps you safe.

Who am I ?

Black Non-slip shoes


The cook needs to prepare 30 servings of pineapple tidbits, so they open 1 can and divide it between the 30 cups. What did they do wrong?

The cook didn't follow the recipe and reduced the portion size.

1 can = 25 servings. The cook could check with the supervisor to see if 25 is enough or if they need a second can.


While preparing food, the cook grabs the cell phone on a shelf/drawer, checks messages, changes music, puts it back on the shelf or drawer and keeps working.

What did they do wrong?

Cell Phone Usage: Employees assigned to any campus kitchen may carry their cell phones on their person; however, using them during work hours is strictly prohibited. Personal use is only permitted within a reasonable limit during an approved break.

The cook should not be touching his/her phone while working with food and hands must be washed and gloved when necessary.


I like to quilt, love to cook, and watch murder shows! I approve purchase orders, procurement, and forecast numbers. You should contact me for pricing and quality issues on products.
Who am I?  

Katherine Smith


We should always handle our hands with care.

How can we do this and name the 5 steps?

Keep it clean! Wash your hands!!

Wet Hands

Apply soap



Dry with paper towel


You will need me when I slip, trip, fall, and burn myself.

Who am I?

A first injury report


The cook prepared tater tots and only cooked 2 trays for each lunch period, when out of tots, kids were told they had to pick up something else, the other trays were for the next lunch. What did they do wrong?

Cooking a set amount for each lunch and running out is not the right way to go, having extra can earn you a la carte cash. All students should have the same choice for every lunch. 


The cook comes in at 7 am, trying to be proactive and work ahead by filling the cooking HACCP log out ahead of time for the entire day.

What did they do wrong?

All Food temperatures must be written down at the time they are taken. Not later in the day and NOT before the food is cooked!


I like to read and watch TV. I am pretty boring Haha! I am a secretary, work with negative balances, talk on the phone and most days I am a Sub cashier.
I like playing guitar and enjoy cooking - BBQ. You can contact me for any sanitation, safety, and equipment questions.
I like to travel, I don't enjoy cooking even though I do it daily. I like to read. You can find me watching cameras at the parent's request, handling staffing issues help with free/reduced applications.

Mariam Robakidze

John Lara

Tatyana Gurgenidze


While preparing a gluten free hamburger, the cook uses regular bread, then removes the hamburger from the bread and places it on the gluten free bun. When asked about it, they say " it's only gluten"  
What did they do wrong?

Food allergies must be taken seriously, there is never " it's just " or it's just a preference.
Cook must discard that hamburger (patty and bun) and start over.


I love the look on you, I'm wanted in 4 places and I come in many flavors. (colors) You are my weekend friend.

Who am I?

Nail polish


The supervisor asks for a 7-hour sub when the cook calls in sick. Since no subs are available, Barbara goes to help but notices they have another 7-hour cook and she is only preparing 2 vegetables. When asked, the supervisor says that the other cook is not very good. Then the supervisor sits in the office while Barbara covers the position. What is wrong with this?

Supervisors should train all the cooks to work in any position. All cooks should be cross-trained.

This is a great training opportunity for the manager and the cook.

Have a plan for when someone calls in, and move tasks around.


The Lunch starts at 10:30 am and only one entree is ready, the second entree is temping at 140 degrees and the kids are waiting to be served. 

What do you do?

It would be best to start serving the one entree and sides, then continue cooking the second entree until it reaches the correct temperature of 165 degrees. Talk to your cook to understand what happened and why the delay


I like the outdoors, biking, hiking, walking my dog, and hanging out with friends. I work with numbers and budgets for the department. I'm humble and like to keep the peace! People (Renell) call me the big boss.

Lisa Jenkins


The cook is serving cheese and pepperoni pizza slices with gloves.
What did they do wrong?

The cook or server should always use utensils to serve.
Using gloves only can cause cross-contact from the pepperoni to the cheese pizza


I am black and white and sometimes you think you know me, and sometimes you don't, but if you follow me I will lead you the way.

Who am I?

