Food for Thought: Key Terms
Consequences of Food Insecurity
Causes of Food Insecurity

What term describes the condition in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs?

What is Food Security?


True or false: Food insecurity can negatively affect physical health and development.

What is true?


This economic factor contributes to food insecurity by limiting individuals' ability to afford nutritious food.

What is poverty?


These are community-based initiatives or organizations that address food insecurity.

What are food banks, community gardens, or food rescue programs?


This term refers to a situation where a person or community lacks sufficient access to food due to economic or physical barriers.

What is Food Insecurity?

One potential long-term consequence of food insecurity on children's educational outcomes.

What are lower academic achievement or educational disparities?


This environmental factor where there is a prolonged absence of rainfall can negatively impact food production and contribute to food insecurity.  

What is drought?


This program partners with local farmers and food banks to redistribute surplus food, helping to reduce waste and provide food to those in need.

What is food rescue?


In the context of food security, this concept refers to the availability of food at all times, ensuring that food is present in adequate quantities for all populations.

What is Food Availability?


Inadequate access to nutritious food can increase the risk of developing this chronic health condition.

What is malnutrition?


Lack of access to grocery stores with fresh and affordable food is known as this.

What is a food desert?


An organization that provides food to those in need.

What is a food bank?


This term is used to describe the quality and nutritional value of food, which must meet dietary needs for health and well-being as part of food security.

What is Food Quality?


This is how food insecurity impacts mental health and well-being.

What are (any of the following)

  1. Stress and anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Impaired cognitive function
  4. Behavioral and emotional issues in children
  5. Eating disorders

This social factor often intersects with food insecurity, leading to limited resources for adequate nutrition. Also known as people having different incomes.

What is income inequality?


This educational approach focuses on teaching families about nutrition, cooking skills, and budgeting to help them make informed food choices, ultimately aiming to reduce food insecurity.

What is food literacy education?


This phrase describes the ability of individuals or communities to obtain food that is culturally appropriate and meets their social and dietary needs as part of food security.

What is Food Sovereignty? 

These vulnerable populations are particularly susceptible to the consequences of food insecurity.

Who are children, seniors, individuals with chronic illnesses, or marginalized populations?


These policy decisions can contribute to food insecurity by reducing funding for food assistance programs.

What are budget cuts or reduced funding?


This innovative farming method involves growing crops in vertically stacked layers, utilizing limited space and resources.

What is vertical farming?
