Presence of Unsafe Substances
Time employees can leave on Collaborative Planning Days
Normal work hours for employee
Summer Feeding Program
Kathy Moss
Inventory Completion Day
5th of Following Month
Fruit Serving for Lunch
K-8 1/2cup, 9-12 1cup
True/Fasle: Freezer Temp is slowly rising, place a BOSSDesk ticket to make Scott/Will aware, and they will come look at it quickly
FALSE! Rising Cooler/Freezer Temps should be considered emergent and reported to Scott/Will by PHONE CALL immediately
Where to locate correct mileage from school to school
District Mileage Chart
Point of Sale
Rita Squires
Amount of on-hand inventory at any given time
Two weeks
The requirements for a reimbursable lunch under Offer vs Serve
Students must take at least 3 of the 5 meal components and one selection must be at least half cup from either the fruit or vegetable component
Sanitizer Solution Bucket water is changed
When sani-strip tests outside the range of 400-200ppm. Under 200ppm, should be replaced immediately, or if solution is visibly soiled. Cannot be kept overnight
Invoices are due
Grease Pick Ups
Kim Fogle
True/False: Your on-hand report should only match your inventory once a month
Name all food component groups for breakfast
Grain, Milk, Fruit
Non-emergent equipment repairs and maintenance requests
BOSSDesk Ticket
HACCP stands for....
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
Charge Policy
Deidre Yonce
Daily Usage matches
Name all food components of lunch
Meat/Meat Alternate, Grain, Vegetable, Fruit, Dairy (Milk)
Freezers/Coolers should be swept ____. Coolers should be mopped ____.
Daily. Weekly.
Deposit Frequency
DHEC Inspections
Angie Furtick
True/False: When placing orders, it is ok to use what MealsPlus has in the system so that you know how much/what items to order.
False, you should always get up and physically verify what you have on-hand when ordering
True/False: Reimbursable meal example: The school offers Spaghetti, 1/2 corn, milk
False, no fruit offered