Food Safety

What are the requirements for a reimbursable lunch under Offer vs Serve and what benefit does OVS provide?  

Students must take at least 3 of the 5 meal components and one selection must be at least half cup from either the fruit or vegetable component. OVS strategy helps to eliminate food waste by allowing students to decline foods that would have otherwise been wasted.


Name "the big 8" food allergens.

Milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts


Approximately how many cups of a food product are contained in a No. 10 can?

12 cups


In the US, approximately what percent of food is wasted from the food supply?



When should inventory be completed?

On the last working day of each month.


T/F: A smoothie that is made from fresh blueberries, bananas, and 100% apple juice is an allowable snack under the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.

False. The intent of the FFVP is to introduce children to new and different fresh fruits and vegetables, therefore, the produce must be served in a way that is easily identifiable.


How long should you keep monthly temperature logs after they are removed from the refrigeration units?

Stored in a file for 3 months.


What does the number of the dipper/ scoop represent? What happens to the approximate measure when the dipper/scoop number increases?

The numbering system for scoop sizes is based on the number of scoops per quart. As the dipper number increases, the approximate measure of the scoop decreases.


What day of the week should Food Donation Forms be submitted?



How much fruit must be served for lunch under the NSLP for students K-5? 9-12?

K-5 is 1/2 cup per day

9-12 is 1 cup per day


True or false: You do not have to measure the cheese in the Cauliflower Parmesan recipe as the lunch meal includes ½ cup yogurt that was measured and portioned correctly, meeting the requirement for the meat/meat alternate component.

False, although the yogurt meets 1 oz equivalents for meat/meat-alternate, you still need to measure the Parmesan cheese to ensure the meal meets the nutritional requirements.


Give an example of a microbial, chemical, and physical hazard.

Microbial: disease-causing pathogen (bacteria, virus, parasite, fungi) i.e. salmonella, listeria, norovirus, etc

Chemical: food contaminated with cleaning and sanitizing compounds, excessive use of additives and preservatives, toxic metals

Physical: Foreign contaminants that are introduced into foods including metal shavings from cans, glass from service ware, staples from packing materials


T/F: If a recipe calls for 8 ounces of minced garlic, it is acceptable to use 8 ounces of powdered garlic.

False. Recipes should be followed as exact as possible. If the recipe calls for fresh garlic, planning and preparation should be done ahead of time so that fresh minced garlic is available during time of production.


Paper-products, such as plates and napkins, that have been soiled from food waste should recycled, composted, or trashed?

Composted. Paper can be either recycled or composted but because the product was soiled from food, it should be composted.


On the school food menu, what do the food items in green, blue, and orange represent?

Green = locally sourced 

Blue = international 

Orange = Fresh Feature Friday winner


T/F: Pizza crust that is made from a blend of 50% whole-grain meal and 50% enriched flour is a product that meets the whole grain-rich criteria.

True. A product must be at least 50% whole grain by weight, (whole grain being the primary ingredient on the label), and the remaining non-whole grain must be enriched.


What is the proper way to handle a large pot of hot soup that needs to be chilled?

A large pot of soup should be divided into small portions and put in shallow containers before being refrigerated. Food should not be at room temperature for more than two hours.


You prepare 100 servings of broccoli, and 80 portions are served. However, at the end of lunch period you measure 5 remaining portions are left over. What amount do you write as the leftover servings in your production log for broccoli?

20? 5?


Other than cost, describe an impact of food waste.

Food security: Food that is sent to landfills could have helped feed families in need. 

Resource conservation: Food production, processing and transporting require land, water, labor, energy, and other inputs that generate impacts on the environment.

Climate: Food waste is the single largest component going into municipal landfills, which generates methane, helping to make landfills the 3rd largest source of methane in the US.


Should forecasting during the winter season be increased or reduced and why?

Forecasts in schools often need to be reduced during cold and flu season to account for children who are ill and at home.
