_______ are living organisms (producers) but can be harmful if they "Bloom" too much.
What is algae?
Organisms that eat & obtain energy from dead/decaying things.
What are decomposers?
A simple model that shows how energy flows between living things.
What is a food chain?
A diagram that show us what eats what in an ecosystem, composed of multiple organisms at each level.
What is a food web?
The process that plants use to turn sunlight into nourishment/energy.
What is photosynthesis?
Name two factors that could impact an ecosystem (negatively)
What is climate, pollution, invasive species, construction, over hunting, disease etc?
The part of the food chain occupied by the fiercest predators. (top of the pyramid)
What is the apex.
Organisms that eat primary consumers or herbivores.
What are secondary consumers, omnivores or carnivores?
Consumer that regulates the herbivore population by 'preying' on them.
What is a carnivore?
their role is to make their own food and provide food for the herbivores
What are producers?
Name the first and second level of a food chain/web. (comes after the producer)
What are primary and secondary consumers.
An animal that eats both plants and animals.
What is an omnivore?
The power needed to stay alive and do anything, such as work.
What is energy?
their role is regulating population sizes and transferring energy through the ecosystem
What are consumers?