What is Caviar?
The salted roe (eggs) of large fish
Define Food System
complex and interconnected processes involved in keeping people fed
What are chopsticks?
Chinese eating utensils
What is the WIC? and what does it do?
Woman, Infant and Children - provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk
Food Desert is?
areas with limited access to healthy food
What is Borscht?
Russian beet soup.
Define Food Marketing
building relationships with customers, raising brand awareness, developing new products, promoting food products through advertising, and even paying grocery stores for prominent shelf space, all with the goal of promoting sales
what is the national school lunch program?
a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions
What is program does do SNAP?
helps low-income people and families buy the food they need for good health
Greenhouse Gas Emission does what?
gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, especially, carbon dioxide and methane
A flat bread that is common in Indian
Define Food Security
Consistent access to enough safe, nutritious food for an active, healthy life, without resorting to emergency food programs, scavenging, or stealing
Food miles is what?
a mile over which a food item is transported from producer to consumer, as a unit of measurement of the fuel used to do this
a federally funded, comprehensive preschool program designed to meet emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs of three- and four-year olds and their families
What does a social entrepreneur do?
a person who pursues novel applications that have the potential to solve community-based problems
What is Beef Stroganov?
A popular russian meat dish made with tender strips of beef, mushrooms and a seasoned sour creme
Define Food Commodity
may be either raw agricultural commodities or processed commodities, provided that they are the forms that are sold or distributed for human consumption and ingested for nutrient properties
What technique in indian makes sweet and sour food?
a USDA certification program that recognizes farms and processors for preserving natural resources, supporting animal health and welfare, use approved materials, and receive annual onsite inspections
Define Advocady
an activity by an individual or group which aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and socialsystems and institutions
What is Congee?
A thick porridge made from rice or barley often served for breakfast in China.
What is the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDIR)?
provides USDA Foods to income eligible households living on Indian reservations, and to American Indian households residing in approved areas near reservations or in Oklahoma
Define Caste System
A social system in India that evolved from Hinduism and divided people into groups, or
GMO is what?
genetically modified organisms refer specifically to foods where the DNA has been modified by technology
Local food is transport how many miles?
less than 400