What is the name of a food that’s cold and creamy in a dish or cone.
What is Ice cream?
What is a fruit that is often squeezed on top food for a seasoning?
What is Lemon?
What is a sweet food that is a dessert that is commonly enjoyed on birthdays or events as a sweet treat?
What is cake?
What is A salty food that is grows on trees and often salted also most people are allergic to it?
What is salted nuts?
What is a food that is a snack, and many people are allergic to?
What is peanuts?
What food is most common during Thanksgiving and served with sauce?
What is Mashed potatoes?
What is a liquid used to cook or in science?
What is vinegar?
What is a sweet food that is baked in the oven and has a different variety of toppings like chocolate chips, raisins, and more?
What is a cookie
What is A food salty food that is a meat often cooked for breakfast in the us?
What is bacon?
What is a food that is the shape of a loose knot, and is salty?
What is pretzels?
What is a blended drink in which you can mix and match what you want in it?
What is Smoothie?
What is a vegetable that can be used as toppings?
What is pickles?
What is a sweet food that is fried dough that is covered in cinnamon powder and an often be dipped or filled with Nutella or fruit fillings
What is a churro
What is a salty snack that is found from a vegetable and in a container
What are original potato lays?
What is a food that rabbits eat?
What is carrots?
What is common on toast with a seed on the inside?
What is Avocado?
What is a vegetable that can be sour and is marinated in juice?
What is pickles?
What is a sweet food that is often referred to as ice cream but isn’t a type of ice cream that is often enjoyed in the Midwest?
What is custard?
What is a deep fried salty vegetable that commonly found as a side and at fast food restaurants?
What are French fries?
What is a food that freshens breath, and often handed out at restaurants?
What is mints?
What is a block of condensed milk eaten on top of salad or rice?
What is Tofu?
What is a vegetable that is often eaten with rice and cold meat?
What is Rhubarb?
What is a sweet food that is mixed with ice cream and fruit in a bowl that is often topped with Nutella or peanut butter?
What is a banana split
What is a crunchy snack
What is crackers?
What is what is a food that you put butter on top of, and eat for breakfast?
What is toast?