what can happen if you leave a pan unattended on the stove
a fire can start
what should you do before cooking to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.
wash your hands
what should you never leave on when cooking, as it could cause a fire hazard.
an open flame
what is a common kitchen injury can occur when you accidentally cut yourself while chopping vegetables
a cut
what protective item should be worn when taking things out of the oven
oven mitts
what can happen when a knife slips while chopping food
a knife injury can occur
what song should you sing to know if you washed you hands long enough?
happy birthday 2 times
what is an action that can spread harmful bacteria when you fail to wash your hands before handling food.
cross contamination
This happens when someone touches a hot surface or object, often leading to blisters and pain
a burn
what should you be Keeping clean and free of clutter to prevent accidents like trips and falls.
the kitchen floor
what happens when you leave a dish too long in the oven or on the stove
what is a tool often used for chopping vegetables, should be cleaned thoroughly after every use to prevent cross-contamination
a cutting board
what should you never put in the dishwasher as it could damage it or cause injury.
a sharp knife
what can happen if there is spilt water or oil on the ground
someone can slip
what is an appliance you should always keep clean and properly maintained to ensure it's safe to use when cooking.
A common disaster in the kitchen caused by splattering hot oil
a grease fire
what appliance should you clean regularly to avoid mold and bacteria buildup
a dish washer
what should you never use to put out a grease fire, as it will only make the fire worse.
what type of poisoning can occur when food is improperly stored or prepared and contains bacteria like E. coli
food poisoning
what should you always ensure is turned off when you're done cooking to prevent fire hazards.
a stove or oven
A person might suffer from this after leaving a hot pan on a cold surface, causing the pan to crack or break.
a thermal shock
what is a dangerous bacteria often found on raw meat especially chicken that can be prevented by properly cleaning surfaces and utensils
Avoid doing this with sharp knives, as it can cause a serious injury
trying to catch a falling knife
What can happen when you inhale smoke or fumes from burning food
it can lead to respiratory issues
what should you use when handling glass containers or hot pots to prevent burns and cuts
protective gloves