Name two muscles that originate from the sinus tarsi.
What is the extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis.
Which artery do the 4 plantar metatarsal arteries arise from?
What is the lateral plantar artery.
What is the name of the nerve that follows a similar course to the arcuate artery.
What is the lateral terminal branch of the deep peroneal nerve.
What are the 2 attachments of lisfranc's ligament?
What is the medial cuneiform and the 2nd metatarsal.
Name the 2 bones that form the sinus tarsi.
What is the talus and calcaneus.
Name two out of three muscles from the 1st plantar layer of the foot.
What is the abductor digiti minimi muscle, the abductor hallucis muscle, the flexor digitorum brevis muscle.
What are the 2 branches of the dorsalis pedis that supply the head and neck of the talus?
What is medial and lateral tarsal arteries.
What is the nerve that innervates the adductor hallucis muscle.
What is lateral plantar nerve.
The cervical ligament is attached to what 2 bones?
What is the talus and calcaneus.
Name the two arteries that can be found in the sinus tarsi.
What is artery of the tarsal canal and the artery of the sinus tarsi.
What digit does not have a plantar interossei muscle?
What is the 2nd digit.
Name the artery that branches off from the 1st plantar metatarsal artery and passes medially just proximal to the sesamoids to anastomose with the 1st digital plantar artery.
What is the digital branch of the 1st plantar metatarsal artery.
Is the medial or lateral plantar nerve larger?
What is medial plantar nerve
Name the 3 ligaments that can be found at the medial and lateral 1st MPJ.
What is the metatarosesamoid ligament, sesmophalangeal ligament, collateral ligament.
What muscle inserts onto the flexor digitorum longus tendon?
What is quadratus plantar muscle.
What muscle takes a portion of origin from the tibialis posterior tendon?
What is the flexor hallucis brevis.
What is the name of the terminal branch of the dorsalis pedis in the proximal 1st interspace.
What is deep plantar artery.
The intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve branches off and provides sensation to what interspace(s)?
What is third and fourth interspaces.
What motion does the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament limit?
What is eversion.
There is no dorsal interossei muscle to what digit?
What is 5th digit.
Does the transverse head of the adductor hallucis pass dorsal or plantar to the deep transverse inter metatarsal ligament?
What is dorsal.
The artery to the sinus tarsi is a branch of the anastamosis of what 2 arteries?
What is the perforating fibular and lateral tarsal arteries.
What nerve can be seen/palpated over the sinus tarsi?
What is intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
Name the 2 ligaments found within the sinus tarsi.
What is cervical ligament and the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament.
What nerve is commonly found with the small saphenous vein?