Lower leg bone that does not bear weight and is on the lateral side
What is the name of the tendon that connects the gastroc muscle to the calcaneus bone?
Achilles tendon
What injury would you apply a splint to in order to immobilize it?
Fracture or dislocation
Is grade 1, 2 or 3 sprain more severe?
Grade 3
What is the name of the special test where you bump the bottom of the heel to look for a fracture?
Heel bump test
Name of the lower leg bone that bears weight and is on the medial side
Pes cavus describes a HIGH or LOW arch
Are inversion or eversion ankle sprains more common?
The MOI for a lateral/inversion ankle sprain is what
PF and Inversion
What special test is used to diagnose an achilles tendon rupture?
Thompson test
What is the name of the joint where the metatarsals and phalanges join together?
Metatarsophalangeal joint
What is the name of the medial ankle ligament group?
Deltoid ligament
What injury is caused by hyperextension of the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint?
Turf Toe
An athlete presents with a very obvious deformity of the ankle, cannot bear weight and heard a huge pop. This injury is most likely what?
What special test is used to diagnose a high ankle sprain?
The rocking bone of the ankle is named what? It is a tarsal bone and starts with the letter T
What is the name of the structure injured in a high ankle sprain?
Ankle Syndesmosis
An athlete has pain on the bottom of their foot and the pain is worse in the morning - what injury could this be?
Plantar fasciitis
A widened ankle joint, pain on the anterior ankle and a positive kleigers test is most likely what injury?
High Ankle Sprain
What are the ottawa ankle rules used for?
To determine a fracture / or to decide if patient needs x-rays
What bones make up the ankle joint?
Tibia, Fibula, Talus
What are the names of the 3 primary ankle ligaments. Acronyms are allowed.
Describe the difference between inversion and eversion ankle sprains
variable answer
A patient with swelling and discoloration on the posterior ankle, and they heard a pop, with a positive thompson sign most likely has what injury?
Achilles tendon rupture
Name 1 of the Ottawa ankle rules
Tenderness over inferior/posterior aspect of either malleoli
Inability to bear weight
Tenderness over base of 5th or navicular bones