Compare & Contrast - Cause & Effect
Facts & Details - Author's Purpose
Facts & Opinions - Figurative Language
Drawing Conclusions - Sequencing - Main Ideas
Word Meaning in Context - Making Predictions & Inferences - Summarizing
Cause & Effect - Since Bailey gets straight A's, what did Brother Leon do to him?
Brother Leon accused him of cheating and hit him in the face with his pointer.
Facts & Details - What position does Jerry play on the football team?
Facts & Opinions - Brother Leon is the meanest person in school is an example of?
Sequencing - Which came first... A.) Jerry trying out for the football team B.) Goober getting assigned an assignment
A.) Jerry trying out for the football team
Word Meaning in Context - What does the word SUPERIMPOSE mean in the following sentence? "Just as he had superimposed his mother's image on his father's face..."
Superimpose - To place on or over something.
Compare & Contrast - Give one example of how Jerry and his dad are alike.
-They are both boring -They do the same routine everyday.
Facts & Details - How many chocolates does Brother Leon have to sell?
20,000 boxes of chocolate
Facts & Opinions - Archie gives the assignments for the Vigils is an example of?
Sequencing - Which one happened later in the novel... A.) Jerry being called square boy B.) Jerry realizing he is just like his dad
B.) Jerry realizing he is just like his dad
Word Meaning in Context - What does the word BRANDISHING mean in the following sentence? "That pathetic hold up try by a scared young kid brandishing a toy pistol"
Brandishing - waving threateningly
Since all of the desks fell apart because of Archie's assignment to Goober, what did Brother Leon do?
He accused and screamed at Archie.
Author's Purpose - What is the author's purpose of the adding the black box?
So Archie doesn't get carried away with the assignments.
Figurative Language - What does this similie show about the black box? -The black box is as nerve wrecking as a baseball game in the bottom of the 9th.
This shows that the black box is very suspenseful/nerve wrecking.
Drawing Conclusions - Knowing that The Vigils give assignments and Jerry is the main character, you conclude that...
Jerry is going to get an assignment.
Word Meaning in Context - What does the word BEDLAM mean in the following sentence? "Brother Eugene cried as he entered the classroom and beheld the bedlam."
Bedlam - A state of confusion
Cause & Effect - What could happen if Brother Leon doesn't sell all of the chocolates?
He could lose his job
At the bus stop, what does Jerry get called and by who?
-Square Boy -19 year old hippie
Facts & Opinions - Which one is a fact? A.) Archie is the smartest kid in school B.) Jerry's mother died C.) Obie's mother died
B.) Jerry's mother died
Sequencing - Put these in order from beginning to end... A.) All the desks and chairs falling down B.) Goober getting his assignment C.) Archie getting yelled at by Brother Leon
B.) Goober getting his assignment A.) All the desks and chairs falling down C.) Archie getting yelled at by Brother Leon
Making Predictions & Inferences - Which is a prediction? A.) I think in the next chapter, Jerry will refuse to do the assignment because he wants to stand out. B.) Jerry is a great football player.
A.) I think in the next chapter, Jerry will refuse to do the assignment because he wants to stand out.
Compare & Contrast - Give one example of how Emile and Archie are different.
-Emile is a jokester. -Archie is a part of the Vigils.
Author's Purpose - What is the purpose of the author showing us that Jerry's dad is boring?
This shows that Jerry is boring like his father
Figurative Language - This example of a personification shows what about the Goober. -The Goober's hair was dancing in the wind as he ran.
This shows that the Goober was running very fast.
Main Idea - What is the main idea of chapter 1?
The main idea of chapter 1 is Jerry trying out for the football team and him getting hit hard.
Summarizing - Summarize what Brother Leon was discussing in the Chapel.
Brother Leon was discussing how each kid must contribute in the chocolate sale.