890 W. Foothill Blvd
What is Kingdom Hall address ?
Abraham left this country never to return.
What is Ur ?
Appears as nwt-E
What is abbreviation for New World Translation-English?
Sent to house of Jesse to anoint David as King.
Who was Samuel?
36 page brochure containing map of “The World of the Patriarchs”
What is See the Good Land ?
First name of Circuit Overseer before Aurelius Ransom?
Who was MARK Frager?
Mountain in Palestine having snow year round.
What is Mt. Hermon?
In Joseph’s dream , this many stars bowed down to him.
What is 11?
Chief tax collector at Jericho who climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus.
Who was Zacchaeus?
Released in 1981 affectionately dubbed “The Blue Bombshell “
What is The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life?
Total number of congregation Service Groups?
What are seven ?
Jonah fled to this seaport city buying passage on a ship to Tarshish.
What was Joppa?
Shortest book in the Greek Scriptures.
What is 2nd John?
A prophet of the tribe of Judah also known as Belteshazzar
Who was Daniel?
The Living Planet and Who designed it First? are two chapters in this 2010 brochure.
What is Was Life Created?
Name meaning Oil Press was site of Jesus’ arrest.
What is Gethsemane?
“Hansen’s Disease” mentioned most in the Bible
What is Leprosy?
Imprisoned criminal whom Pilate set free in place of Jesus.
Who was Barabbas?
This book will help you understand how the Christian congregation functions today ( od)
What is Organized to do Jehovah’s Will?
Nathanael once said “Can anything good come out of “ this city.
What is Nazareth?
Greek text used as basis for New World Translation.
What is Westcott & Hort ?
When his armor-bearer refused to put him to death , this king fell on his own sword.
Who was Saul ?
Forerunner of the AWAKE magazine first announced at Cedar Point Ohio in 1919.
What was the Golden Age ?