What do I do
What is biking
Who is on the penny
Who is Abraham Lincoln
how many feathers does a duck normally have
What is 11,903 to 25,216
What does this kid say (KAZOO KID)
What is wait a minute who are you
How old is duck
what is 5
I do this a lot
what is watch TV
What is money called in Europe
What is the pound
Can they fly
What is some ducks
What state is getting memes for it right now
What is Ohio
How old are the cats
What is 8-9 human years
I do it not to much
What is running
What is the money in canada called
What is the dollers
How long to they live
What is 20 years
What is the drake meme
When did Will start going to field school
What is 2022
this is fun-ish ok only sometimes I don’t do this much
What is study
What is the money called in russia
What is the ruble
What decides the amount of eggs layed
What is Sunlight
What meme is diying
What is amongus
When did Ella get her license
What is 2022
Alright if you don’t know this about me how do you know me
What is coding
What is the biggest number on the dollar in U.S.A
$10,000 aren’t printed anymore but are still legal to use
How far can they dive
What is 240 feet
What meme is going to die in a bit
What is ”Man I’m Dead”
How old is the house
What is 17-18 years