What movie is about a kid who moves and befriends baseball players his age, and finally finds a place where he fits in?
The Sandlot
What is the new diary of a wimpy kid called?
A Hot Mess
Fave Starbucks drink?
Strawberry acai,(light ice.)
What is Marlowes fave Starbucks drink
strawberry acai!
whats something that has moose
chocolate moose cake
What movie is this scene from?
Toy Story!
A dork who just moved to a new school and falls in love with a boy
Dork diaries!
Lion King
Whats Marlowes fave animal?
whats something at Starbucks that has lemon in it
the iced lemon loaf
What clip is this scene from?
What is the new babysitters book called?
Kristy and the walking disaster
Fave subject?(Including specials)
what does Marlowe want to be when she is older
interor designer and pop star
whats something that has cold strawberries in it
strawberry short cake ice pop
A babysitter comes along with a magic umbrella, what's her name?
Mary Poppins!
what is the lava monsters name in Moana?
Te Fi ti
Fave cosmetic line?
rare beauty
Whats Marlowes first middle last name before she changed it
Kira jade sersen
what's something that is French and is like a mini ice cream sandwich?
What is the most famous book in a girly movie?
burn book
What book is this line from? "Take a picture it lasts longer!"
The land of stories
What is my little brother collecting right now?
Sports cards
whats Marlowes favorite sport
where was strawberry short cake invented
us and uk