I am the title of the best rap album that this artist has created in the past.
Dirty Sprite 2. Period. Don't @ me.
My title includes a color for which there is no accurate rhyme
The Color Purple
I went to Yale
Three iconic gladiators, including one of the most influential black singers of our generation, represented this brand in a three minute 2010 commercial.
Pepsi (#freebritney)
My title brings to mind a popular flavored cheese paste
The Wiz
I model for an earring line
I am a desert themed beverage launched recently by an out of this world artist (who needs to focus on finishing his new album instead of launching a drink.... ....)
I'm a term of endearment
I'm a Nets fan (and have said this out loud)
This liquor is popular with both housewives and iconic LA rappers
My protagonists were haunted by a evil spirit, my title is an adjective or noun of the opposite nature
We have the same rare first initials for first and last name
Zia Bailey and Zalima Barazani
Former (but still in my heart) President Barack Obama used honey in his own white house branded blend of this drink
White House Honey Ale
I focus on 3 black women tasked with working as human computers
Hidden figures
I'm double jointed and can bend my hand all the way back