Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
What is D&C 6:36?
This eternal truth tells us that Jesus Christ can..
What is Strengthen You
When we’ve done something wrong, we should admit it to God and, as needed, also to this person.
Who is the Bishop?
Jesus Christ will forgive and heal us when we do this
What is Repent?
I know God has forgiven me when this happens
What is when I feel comfort from the Spirit?
This Family in the ward currently has two missionaries serving at the same time.
Who are The McGraws?
This eternal truth tells us to love God and to also love whom?
What is love your neighbor?
When we are willing to dedicate one day a week to God, we are keeping this
What is the Sabbath day holy?
We will have better relationships and find joy if we do this
What is Christlike Service?
This is the age that is recommended when deciding when I’m old enough to handle one-on-one social situations
What is age 16 ?
This scripture says that through the Holy Ghost, God let’s you know you are forgiven
What is Mosiah 4:3?
This person has served in the Deacons Quorum longer than anyone else in this ward
Who is Joel Sappenfield?
When we are able to turn off a video game, walk out of a bad movie, or change to better music, we have this..
What is Courage?
We will be able to recognize truths and see good in the world with this help
Who is the Holy Ghost?
I can search this when learning about the different ways the Spirit communicates
What is the Scriptures?
This scripture says that Jesus is the Truth
What is John 14:6?
This principle teaches us how to care for our body
What is the Word of Wisdom?
This is the question we should ask ourselves when making decisions about our outer appearance and deciding how we act around others.
When we keep the word of wisdom and the law of chastity, this will increase in our lives and with other people.
What is Respect?
Did you know that this young women’s Aunt was on the cover of The For Strength of Youth book in the 90’s?
Who is Tabitha Hovley?
The Lord reminds us that all things are to be “done in cleanliness” before him, in this scripture
What is D&C 42:41?
Having this value is more important than being popular or being comfortable with convenience.
What is Integrity?
Not only are we to educate ourselves at school, we are also to learn more about..
Who is the Savior?
We show we can be trusted when our words and actions align with this
What is Truth?
Asking questions can build this
What is Faith?