To repent means this
to change
Make sure your language reflects this
love of God and others
These are promised blessings for keeping the Word of Wisdom
great treasures of knowledge
increased ability to receive personal revelation, think clearly, and serve the Lord
These are some ways to feel God's love
Talk to Him through prayer, read His words, think about all He has done for you, spend time in places and activities where His Spirit is present
This scripture can be found in a temple recommend question
D&C 42:41
Making good choices improves your ability to do this
Feel the Spirit
When you've done something wrong, you should do these two things
honestly admit it before God and, as needed, to your bishop and anyone you may have harmed
Education increases your ability to do this
serve the Lord
Asking questions can help build this
This temple recommend question asks if you understand and obey this
the Word of Wisdom
When this is the most important influence in your life, many decisions become easier
Your love for Heavenly Father
This is a good question to ask yourself when making choices about what to watch, read, listen to or participate in.
Does it invite good thoughts?
This is one of the promised blessings of repentance
Jesus Christ will forgive and heal you
He will change your heart and your life
The Lord's standard on dress, grooming, tattoos and piercings is this
for you to honor the sacredness of your body, even when that means being different from the world
This is a temple recommend question that mentions some commandments
Do you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy.... attend your meetings...partake of the sacrament...and live your life in harmony with the laws and commandments of the gospel?
Are you a full tithe payer?
Living with integrity means this
that you love truth with all your heart - more than you love personal comfort, popularity or convenience.
As you make decisions about your clothing, hairstyle, and appearance, ask yourself this question
"Am I honoring my body as a sacred gift from God?"
You are promised that you can have the Spirit with you always and he can do these four things for you
Comfort, guide, warn, and sanctify
You should do this if you are trying to repent and keep making the same mistakes
Don't give up, turn toward Christ, try again
This temple recommend question asks this about being honest
Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?
The Savior revealed this to teach principles of caring for your body
the Word of Wisdom
Be ready to tell anyone who asks you, about this
the hope and happiness you feel
Your relationship with God will deepen as you do this
express your love by obeying His commandments and keeping your covenants with him
Learning to be aware of the Spirit takes these three things
time, practice, and patience
Temple recommend question that has to do with repentance
Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and of His role as your Savior?
Do you have faith in and a testimony of God, the Eternal Father; His son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost?