Force and Motion 1
Force and Motion 2
Force and Motion 3
Force and Motion
Plus More
Force and Motion 5

What is a force?

A. a push or pull

B. speed or acceleration 

C. potential or kinetic energy

D. balanced or unbalanced force

A. a push or pull


What is the force that causes everything to be pulled down to the Earth?

A. friction

B. gravity

C. balanced

D. unbalanced

B. gravity


How does friction affect a moving object?

A. speeds it up

B. slows it down

C. gives it inertia

D. gives it unbalanced forces

B. slows it down


Force that moves an object closer to another object.

A. Friction

B. Inertia

C. Push

D. Gravity

D. Gravity


 A scientist is testing which flavor of ice cream melts the fastest. What would his DEPENDENT VARIABLE be? 

A. The flavor of ice cream

B. the kind of cone the ice creams are in

C. the place in the room where the ice cream is

D. the size of the scoop

E. the time it takes to melt

E. the time it takes to melt


 When objects remain in the same place, does not move, it is called...

A. gravity

B. friction

C. balanced force

D. unbalanced force

C. balanced force


When an object has kinetic energy 

A. it is moving.

B. it is not moving.

C. It is always very lightweight

D. It is on the ground

A. it is moving.


 Jason walks at 5 km in 10 minutes.  If Jason walks 2.5 km at the same speed, what is the BEST estimate of the time this will take?

A.   5 minutes

B. 10 minutes

C. 15 minutes

D. 20 minutes

A.   5 minutes


_______ is a force that acts between two objects which are touching. This force slows any movement between the two objects.

A. Pressure

B. Magnetism

C. Friction

D. Gravity

C. Friction


These are the variables that should stay the same. They do not get any changes in order to make for a fair test.

A. Dependent Variables

B. Controlled variables

C. Independent Variables

B. Controlled variables


When an object has potential energy, 

A. it is moving.

B. it is not moving.

C. It is always very large

D. It is on the ground

B. it is not moving.


What is the force of attraction between objects due to their mass?



Paul runs 1500 meters around the school track.  What does he need to know in order to find out his speed?

A. his time from start to finish

B. the number of steps he took

C. his heart rate at the finish line

D. the direction he began running

A. his time from start to finish


Is gravity a push or a pull?

A. push

B. pull

C. neither

D. both

B. pull


What is the dependent variable?

A. a variable that the scientist changes

B. a variable that does not change during an experiment

C. what is measured in the experiment (the result of the experiment)

D. a variable that never changes

C. what is measured in the experiment (the result of the experiment)


 Force is measured in....

A. Galileos 

B. Newtons

C. Di Vincis

D. Einsteins 

B. Newtons


The rate at which an object changes its speed and velocity or direction, is called....

A. potential energy

B. kinetic energy

C. acceleration

D. deceleration

C. acceleration


The location or place of an object is its 

A. reference Point

B. position

C. push

D. dimension

B. position


You are testing how the amount you water a plant affects its growth. What would be the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE in this experiment.

A. They type of pot you put the plants in.

B. The amount you water each plant.

C. The amount of sunlight the plants get.

D. The amount the plant grows.

B. The amount you water each plant.


A boy rides a skate board down a hill. Eventually the skate board stops. Which is most responsible for causing the skateboard to stop?

A. gravity acting on the skateboard

B. friction acting on the skateboard

C. the mass of the skateboard

D. the mass of the boy

B. friction acting on the skateboard


Speed can be found my calculating...

A. acceleration/velocity

B. friction/gravity

C. momentum/time

D. distance/time

D. distance/time


Inertia is....

A. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

B. larger objects take more force to move 

C. an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by an opposite force.

D. a push that acts in the opposite direction and it slows down.

C. an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by an opposite force.



A force that moves an object away from another object.

A. Gravity

B. Push

C. Pull

D. Motion

B. Push


 A scientist is testing which flavor of ice cream melts the fastest. What would his CONTROLLED VARIABLES be? (choose ALL that apply)

A. The flavor of ice cream

B. the kind of cone the ice creams are in

C. the place in the room where the ice cream is

D. the size of the scoop

E. the time it takes to melt

B. the kind of cone the ice creams are in

C. the place in the room where the ice cream is

D. the size of the scoop


What is the force that causes everything to be pulled down to the Earth?

A. friction

B. gravity

C. balanced

D. unbalanced

B. gravity
