True or False
Push and Pull
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
A little of this.
A little of that.

In order for an object to change its speed or direction, an unbalanced force has to act on it


Kinsley pulls back and releases a stretched rubber band to propel a toy car across a flat surface. What force makes the car roll forward?

a push from the rubber band


Owen tried lifting weights. The weights did not move. Why?

Owen did not apply a force greater than the weights.


Your pushing a box of books up a ramp. What can you do so that it will take *less* force to push the box?

Remove some of the books.


Brian drops an orange to the ground. What force pulls the orange to the ground?



An object moving through the air slows down because it is affected by the force of gravity



Why does a truck carrying a heavy load move uphill slower than an empty truck, even though the engine exerts the same force?

The force exerted by the engine has a smaller effect on the truck carrying a heavy load. 


Explain why the flag in a game of tug-of-war stays in the same place, using academic vocabulary. 



When leaving the grocery store, why doesn't gravity pull the grocery bag you're carrying to the ground?

You're holding the bag up with an equal force to gravity.


Lily is bouncing a basketball. Which action should she use to make it bounce higher?

A. bounce the ball more times with the same force

B. bounce the ball fewer times with the same force

C. increase the force used to bounce the ball

D. decrease the force used to bounce the ball


The amount of friction exerted when an object moves across a surface depends on how the object and the surface rub together



Which of the following objects have the greatest change in motion?

A. A small force is applied on a an object with a large mass. 

B. A small force is applied to an object with a small mass.

C. In the same direction as the the direction of the push.

D.  In the opposite direction as the the direction of the push. 


What will most likely happen if you increased the amount of force applied to an object?

  1. The object’s motion will change more.
  2. The object’s motion will change less.
  3. The force of gravity acting on the object will increase.
  4. The force of gravity acting on the object will decrease.

Name a controlled variable in our balloon rocket lab and explain why it must be a controlled variable.



What is it called when friction exists between air and a moving object?

air resistance


Jake is hitting a baseball.  The faster he swings the bat, the farther the baseball travels.  Which statement best explains why?

  1. Friction acting against the baseball is smaller.
  2. Friction acting against the baseball is greater.
  3. The forward force applied to the baseball is smaller.
  4. The forward force applied to the baseball is greater.

A boy uses a force to lift a heavy rock.  What can the boy do if he wants to lift the same rock more quickly?

Use greater upward force


Jaden is building a doghouse.  He is nailing on the roof.  It took four hits to drive in the first nail.  If he hits the second nail with greater force, which is most likely to happen?

  1. He will use more than four hits to drive in the nail.
  2. He will still need four hits to drive in the nail.
  3. He will balance the force on the nail.
  4. He will use fewer than four hits to drive in the nail.

Motion is the change of position in an object. AN object in motion can also have a change in direction. Which of these objects shows *only* a change in position?

A. a boat sailing around a curve in a river

B. a bus stopped at a light, then making a turn. 

C. A train traveling south, then turning to the southwest.

D. an airplane traveling north at a speed of 200 miles per hour.


What two things affect an object's acceleration?

force and mass


Ms. Takahashi comes to an intersection and the light is green.  She turns right without increasing or decreasing her speed.  Which of these statements is true?

  1. The forces on the car are balanced because its speed does not change.
  2. The forces on the car are balanced because its mass does not change.
  3. The forces on the car are unbalanced because the amount of friction increases.
  4. The forces on the car are unbalanced because the direction of motion changes.

This car is moving in a straight line at a constant speed.  Which of the motions described below does NOT require an unbalanced force?

  1. turning a corner
  2. increasing in speed
  3. going up a steep hill
  4. continuing at the same speed

The driver of a car uses the brakes to come to a stop.  What change occurs if the driver applies less force to the brake pedal?

  1. The car’s speed increases.
  2. The amount of friction increases.
  3. The car comes to a stop more slowly.
  4. The direction of the car’s motion changes.

Kelly and Jane are being pushed on swings.  The girls weigh the same, but Kelly swings much higher than Jane.  Which of the following best describes how the girls are being pushed?

  1. Kelly is being pushed harder than Jane.
  2. Kelly is being pushed more gently than Jane.
  3. Kelly and Jane are being pushed equally.
  4. Kelly is being pushed in a different direction than Jane. 

The jet engines of a moving plane exert a force to make the plane travel forward at a constant speed.  Which of these changes to the jet is likely to happen if the engines exert a greater force?

  1. increase in weight
  2. balance of forces
  3. decrease in braking distance
  4. increase in speed