This Greek philosopher taught that all object have a telos, or an end, toward which they are directed.
Who is Aristotle?
Complete this sentence: velocity is used to measure how fast an object is moving and ___________.
What is "in what/which direction"?
True or False: an object at rest (0 m/s) is in a state of motion.
What is true?
Voyager 1 is an example of which of Newton's Laws.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
Mr. Hilsee's high school baseball uniform number what this number.
What is the number 1?
This person is the author of Principia Mathematica.
Who is Isaac Newton?
True or False: for motion in one direction, the terms speed and velocity mean the same thing
What is true?
This is a property of matter that causes an object to prefer its present state of motion.
What is inertia?
A bicycle accelerating when you pedal harder is an example of which of Newton's Laws?
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
This is Mr. Hilsee's favorite Star Wars movie.
What is Revenge of the Sith?
The concept of friction was formalized by this person.
Who is Galileo?
This is the term we use when velocity is not constant.
What is acceleration?
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" is a summation of which of Newton's three laws?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
Swimming is an example of which of Newton's Laws?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
This is Mr. Hilsee's favorite chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring.
What is The Council of Elrond?
True or False: Galileo worked out mathematical treatments to demonstrate that planets move in elliptical orbits.
What is false?
When acceleration is constant and steady it is called this:
What is uniform acceleration?
Complete the sentence: the acceleration of an object is proportional to the _______ acting on it.
What is Force?
True or False: Newton's Third Law does not apply to objects at rest.
What is false?
This is what Mr. Hilsee did for his 14th birthday.
What is get his left ear pierced?
This astronomer formalized Aristotle's ideas into an entire description of the motion of stars and planets.
Who is Ptolemy?
We learned two types of acceleration equations from two different branches of physics. Name one of these branches.
What is kinematics/dynamics?
What is mass?
When a car brakes, your body wants to continue moving at the same speed, causing you to move towards the front. This is an example of which of Newton's Laws?
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
This is Mr. Hilsee's favorite ice cream flavor.
What is rocky road?