Newtons 2nd law of Motion
Newtons 1st Law of Motion
Newtons 3rd Law of Motion

A truck accelerates down the road at 20 m/s2

a force of 40,000 N is applied to slow it down. This is the  mass of the truck.

What is 2,000 kg
This is the distance an object travels over 2 hours at a rate of 10 miles per hour.
What is 20 miles?
If you put your pencil flat on your desk and apply no other force, then the pencil will do this.
Stay at rest (or maintain it's current state of motion)
If you push to the right on the floor with your foot, you will move in this direction
What is left?
This is what force is.
What is a push or pull?

A plane has a mass of 5,000 kg, it accelerates at a rate of 2,000 m/s2 to lift off the ground. This is how  much force was applied.

What  is 10,000,000 Newtons?
This is the distance an object travels when it's speed is 30 m/s in 30 seconds.
What is 900 meters?
The tendency of an object to resist a change in it's motion is also known as this.
What is inertia (or law of inertia)?
Newton's third law of motion states that for every _______ there is an ________ and ________ reaction
What is action, equal and opposite?
Forces that cause a change in the motion of an object are considered this.
What is unbalanced (forces)?
A 50 kg object is pushed with a force of 150 N. This is it's acceleration.

What is 3 m/s2?

This is the  speed an object is traveling when it covers a distance of 45 meters in 5 seconds
What is 9 m/s?
Between a giraffe and a lion, this one will have more inertia.
What is a giraffe? (Inertia - the tendency of an object to RESIST a CHANGE in it's motion, giraffe has more mass, resists a change to it's motion more than the less massive lion)
If you are pushing a wall with 54,321 N of force, the wall will push you with this amount of force.
What is 54,321 N?

Forces that do not cause a change in the motion of an object are considered this.

What is balanced (forces)?
An object accelerates at a rate of 8 m/s2 had a force of 70 N applied to it. This is it's mass.
What is 8.75 Kg?
This is the time it took an object to travel when it's speed was 25 m/s and it covered a distance of 400 meters.
What is 16 seconds?
This is also called the law of Inertia.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
In order for you to move forward while you are in the water you have to do this.
What is push back on the water?
A force is applied 18 N to the right, another force is applied in the same direction at 15 N. This is the direction the object will move and it's net force.
What is 33 N to the right?
This is how much force was applied to  an object that traveled 2.5 m/s2 and has a mass of 5 Kg.
What is 12.5 Newtons?
This is the time it took an object to travel a distance of 800 miles in 64 hours.
What is 12.5 hours?
You are traveling with a watermelon that is not secured in your vehicle, you suddenly apply the brakes. This is what will happen to your watermelon
What is the watermelon is in motion and will remain in motion until it hits the object (unbalanced force) in front of it?
Forces always occur in _______.
What is Pairs?
A force is applied at 22 N to the left, another force is applied at 31 N to the right. This is the direction the object will move and the Net force.
What is 9 N to the right?