Class Brady is Failing
Is it dead or Alive
Class Neel is Failing
Law and Order

Brady Throws a Ball at Preston at 2mph, What is the Velocity of The Ball if Preston is facing South?

2mph North


Josiah is sitting hanging his Feet off the Grand Canyon. Does he have Potential or Kinetic Energy?

Potential energy


How far an object moves in relation to its starting point. Consider its distance and direction from the point at which it started to the point where it ends only.



Brady Drops a dumbell but it bounces, What law is demonstrated when Brady drops it on his head?

3rd Law


Neel drags Brady's body across the floor. what type of friction is being used when neel drags Brady?

Static Friction


Will Smith slapped Christ rock at 4mph west. What is the velocity of his slap?

4mph West


Brady is a band kid. He starts blowing inside his saxophone. The saxophone began warming up and Brady was ready to play. He lifted his saxophone up and held it at the same altitude. When Brady holds it is it Potential or Kinetic?  

Potential energy


What is Speed? 

The distance an object travels per Unit of time. s = d/t


Will Smith slaps Chris Rock across the face. His hand goes through Chris Rocks' face, what LAw does this Represent?

Newtons 1st Law


Neel rides his bike to school every day. He goes pretty fast because he needs to get to school early. Something falls out of his backpack, and he needs it very badly. So he pushes on the brakes and the bike skirts and he starts to slow down. What type of friction is his bike experiencing

Static Friction


If Tyler punches a Polar bear at 32 inches per second and takes 4 seconds to make contact with the polar bear, what is the distance?

8 inches


Preston has Brady balanced on his nose, he is falling and about to hit the floor. Does Brady have kinetic or Potential energy?

Kinetic Energy


What is Velocity?

The Speed and the Direction


Brady is working at publix. hes playing mario kart with the shopping carts and he starts picking up speed on the smooth pavement. What law of motion is this?

1st law


Brady is skydiving out of a plane. He is screaming like a little girl. He decided to deploy his parachute. What friction is being used to slow Brady down?

Air resistance


Some random stranger threw a pencil at Neel at 4 m/s and it took 12 seconds to get there. How far were they away when they threw it?

48 meters


Brady is holding an Elastic Band that is stretched ready to hit Preston in the Stomach. What energy does the Elastic Band have?

Potential Energy


Speed of an object at a given point in time.

Instantaneous speed


Brady and preston are pushing a box. The force is balanced so what is the law?

1st law


Brady bought Heelys. He's cruising down the hallways like a chad. Mrs. Oxenfeld doesn't like his drip. She tells him to stop so he stops using his Heelys. When he stops, what friction is used?

Static Friction


If Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson puts Bars of soap on the bottom of his feet to make him move faster, he covers 42 meters, in 3.5 seconds. What is his Speed?

12 m/s


Nicolette is attacking a Polar Bear. Does the she have Kinetic or Potential energy?

Kinetic Energy


SI unit of force

Newton or N


Brady is playing basketball with Neel. He is doing way better than him and the score is 0-20 (Brady's winning) Brady does a trickshot and makes it through the hoop. The ball goes through the hoop and hits the ground. It bounces back up. What law is this?

3rd law


Bradt is sledding. He just moved to Minnesota and likes it a lot. He is sledding down a hill and is picking up speed. What friction makes it so he doesn't go crazy fast?

Sliding Friction
