Force and Motion 1
Force and Motion 2
Force and Motion 3
Force and Motion 4
Speed Graphs 2
When Azaria tells her father that her bicycle is hard to pedal, he oils the chain. How does this make her bike easier to ride? A) Friction on the bike has increased B) Friction on the bike has decreased C) Gravity on the bike has increased D) Gravity on the bike has decreased
What is B - the friction of the bike has decreased
Which is an example of trying to increase friction? A) spreading sand onto an icy road B) reducing the weight of an object C) pouring oil into the engine of a car D) waxing the underside of a surfboard
What is A - spreading sand onto an icy road.
Two students sit on a seesaw in a way that makes it balance and not move. When a third person pushes down on one side, that side moves down. What causes the seesaw to move? A) pushing one side increased the pull of gravity on that side B) the friction between the two sides decreased because of the push C) there was more force on the side that was pushed so the seesaw moved D) the push on one side of the seesaw decreased the force on the other side
What is C - there was more force on the side that was pushed so the seesaw moved

A runner measured the time it took him to run 5 km. What can he calculate from the distance and time measurements?



Mary rides her bike at a constant speed of 10 km/h. How long will she take to travel a distance of 102   kilometers?

Time= distance / time

Time= 100 km /10km per hour

Time = 10 hours

Which best represents the relationship between force and the mass of an object? A) The greater the force, the smaller the object. B) The small the force, the smaller the object. C) The force on an object determiens what density it has. D) The greater the mass of an object, the greater the force needed to move it.
What is D - the greater the mass of an object, the greater the force needed to move it.
When Isaac Newton theorized that gravity caused objects to fall to the ground, he had also discovered the force that causes A) chemicals to react B) volcanoes to erupt C) lightning to strike Earth D) the planets to orbit the Sun
What is D - the planets to orbit the sun
Which will happen to an object if the forces acting upon it are unbalanced? A) the object will remain still and not move B) the object will move equally in both directions C) the object will move based on the weaker force D) the object will move based on the stronger force
What is D - the object will move based on the stronger force

This graph shows the change in position of an object over time. Which statement best explains the movement of the object?

It returned to the starting point.


Abigail rides her bike 15 km in 3 hours. What is her average speed in kilometers per hour?

Speed= Distance / Time

Speed= 15 km / 3 hours

Speed= 5km per hour

A student compares the amount of force used by his classmates to push a toy car down a ramp. What would be the best way to compare this force? A) Measure the distance each time the car comes to a stop B) Measure the amount of time it takes the car to travel down the ramp C) Measure the distance the car travels with each push D) Measure the amount of time it takes for the car to come to a stop
What is C - measure the distance the car travels with each push.
DAILY DOUBLE!! A car traveled for ten minutes. In the first seven minutes, the car traveled seven miles. In the last three minutes, the car traveled one mile. Which best describes the motion of the car in the last three minutes? A) the car stopped B) the car sped up C) the car slowed down D) the car went twice as fast
What is C - the car slowed down
If a train travels west at 80mph for 4 hours, what distance will the train travel? (speed = distance / time) A) 20 miles B) 84 miles C) 100 miles D) 320 miles
What is D - 320 miles

Scientists discover an asteroid that is moving through space. What information is needed to determine the average speed of the asteroid?

How far the asteroid has moved in a particular amount of time. Speed= distance / time


Jake’s dad drove 54 miles from Raleigh to Pittsboro What additional information does Jake need to find his dad’s driving speed?


DAILY DOUBLE!! Two balls are rolled down two identical inclined planes. The balls are exactly the same mass and size, but one ball rolled down the inclined plane faster. Identify a possible reason that one ball rolled faster than the other ball. A) One ball was red and the other ball was blue B) One ball was new and the other ball was old C) One ball was shiny and the other ball was dull D) One ball was sticky and the other ball was smooth
What is D - One ball was sticky and the other ball was smooth.
DAILY TRIPLE! Gabriel walks 5 km in 10 minutes. If Gabriel walks 2.5 km at the same speed, which is the best estimate of the time this will take? (speed = distance / time) A) 5 minutes B) 10 minutes C) 15 minutes D) 20 minutes
What is A - 5 minutes
Which information is needed to determine how fast a truck is traveling? A) direction and mass B) distance and time C) size and speed D) time and weight
What is B - distance and time

A ball moves across a flat surface at 7 feet per second. If a student is asked to calculate the total distance traveled by the ball, what other information does the student need to know?

The total time the ball rolled. 

Distance= speed x time


Which graph represents an object decreasing speed?


A car traveled 60 miles in one hour, while a bus traveled 120 miles in two hours. Which best describes the motion of the vehicles? (speed = distance / time) A) they traveled the same distance B) they traveled at a constant speed C) they traveled in the same direction D) they traveled at the same average speed
What is D - they traveled at the same average speed
A truck is traveling 70 mph with a heavy load in its trailer. After the truck is unloaded, it again travels 70 mph. Which best explains how the force acting on the truck changed after the truck was unloaded? A) a larger force was needed to move the truck because it had less mass B) a smaller force was needed to move the truck because it had less mass C) a smaller force was needed to move the truck because there was less friction D) a larger force was needed to move the truck because there was more friction
What is B - a smaller force was needed to move the truck because it had less mass.
Which best describes the rate at which an object changes its position over time? A) force B) speed C) distance D) direction
What is B - speed

A police car drives at a constant speed of 100 miles per hour. How far can it travel in 10 hours?

D= Speed x Time

D= 100 m/h x 10 h

D= 1000 miles


The graph below shows the movement of an Earthworm.   Gavin and Maddy observed an earthworm crawling on the sidewalk for four minutes. When did the earthworm move the greatest distance?

From 0 to 1 min
