Force and Motion 1
Force and Motion 2
Force and Motion 3
Force and Motion 4
Force and Motion 5

This is a PUSH or PULL on an object

What is a Force?



Air resistance can reduce the pull of gravity.

FALSE. Air resistance can slow down an object helping to counteract gravity, but gravity itself is not reduced.


This is the force pulls a ball back to earth.

What is Gravity?


F= M x __________.

What is Acceleration?


Which situation best describes overcoming the force of gravity?

A. Sitting in a chair.

B. Jumping up and down.

C. Standing next to your friends.

D. Eating lunch.

B. Jumping up and down.


This will happen if these boys are each pulling with the force of 10 newtons.   (double jeopardy)

What is the boy in blue will win?

What is they will not move at all?

What is the boy in red will win?

What is they will not move at all? 

Balanced Forces


This is a change in velocity.

What is Acceleration?


This letter is where the object's speed is the fastest.

What is E?

60 km in 2/3 of a second


The force that acts directly against the direction of motion.

(double jeopardy)

What is friction?


A football gets punted and travels 90 meters in 9 seconds, what is the football’s speed?

10 m/s


Pick the true statement below... 

What is balanced forces cause a change in velocity. 

What is unbalanced forces cause a change in velocity. 

What is forces do not affect the change in velocity. 

What is unbalanced forces cause a change in velocity?


 Avaiya is pushes a friend sitting on a sled down an icy hill. Her friend moves a distance of 100 ft on the sled and it takes her 10 seconds. This will be the average speed.

What is 10 ft/sec?


T or F? A bicyclist going at a constant speed traveling in a circular pattern accelerating.

(double jeopardy)

What is TRUE! Because he is changing direction

(acceleration is any change in speed and/or direction)


True or False:  Gravity is a force that pulls objects down to Earth.

What is true?


A golf ball rolls down a hill on the golf course.  Which statement best describes how friction affects the motion of the golf ball?

A. Friction causes the golf ball to roll forwards and backwards.

B. Friction decreases how far the ball rolls.

C. Friction increases how fast the ball rolls.

D. Friction causes the ball to bounce.

B. Friction decreases how far the ball rolls.


This is how do you calculate speed.

What is Speed = distance / time?


You want to move two boxes. This sentence below is true.

More force is needed to move the lighter box.

More force is needed to move the heavy box.

What is more force is needed to move the heavy box?


This object would require the most force to move.

a tennis ball

a baby

a car

a cell phone

What is a car, because it has the most mass


A soccer ball is at rest on the ground.  When a force is applied to it, it moves.  If larger force is applied to it, how will the motion of the soccer ball change?

A. The ball will move less distance with less speed.

B. The ball will move farther with less speed.

C. The ball will move farther with more speed.

D. The ball will move less with more speed.

C. The ball will move farther with more speed.


Describe the difference between weight and mass.

Weight is a measure of gravity on a mass. Mass is the amount of matter in an object.


When the mass of an object increases, so does this ____________ from Newton's first law.

What is inertia?


A car and semi are travelling down the road at the same speed.  They both slow down with the same stopping force. This statement best explains why the semi needs more distance than the car to stop.

A. The semi is longer.

B. The semi has larger wheels.

C. The semi has more mass.

D.  The semi has less mass.

What is (c) the semi has more mass?


The air blowing up on an air hockey table causes the puck to...

A. Air balances the forces and makes the puck move faster.

B. Air causes the puck to slow down.

C. Air causes the puck to have less mass and travel farther.

D. Air reduces friction and allows the puck to move easily.

D. What is air reduces friction and allows the puck to move easily?


 A heavy box sits on the floor with the force of 3 N pushing left and the force of 5 N pushing right.  Gravity is pulling the box down to the floor with 2 N and the force of the floor is pushing the box up with 2 N.  Which statement best identifies the result of all forces acting on the box?

A. The box doesn't move at all.

B. The box moves left.

C. The box moves right.

D. The box moves downward.

(double jeopardy)

C. The box moves right.


Children are applying force to roll a ball down a ramp and measuring how fast the ball rolls.  If the children want the ball to roll faster down the ramp, what should they do?

A. increase the force applied to the ball. 

B. decrease the height of the ramp 

C. decrease the angle of the ramp 

D. increase the friction between the ball and the ramp 

A. increase the force applied to the ball. 


For every action_________________________.

What is "there is an equal and opposite reaction?


This is the net force represented in the picture below. (double jeopardy)

What is 400 N down?


This is one of the four types of friction. Air resistance is an example.

What is fluid friction?


Forces on an object that is moving at a constant speed (or at rest) need to be ____________.



At what letter(s) is the object's stopped?

B and D (slope = 0, so no distance is being traveled during a certain amount of time).
