Newton's First Law
Newton's 2nd Law
Newton's 3rd Law
Law of Universal Gravitation

In order for an object to change motion (accelerate) this needs to happen...

What is an unbalanced force (a push or pull) must act upon it?


The tendency of a body to continue at rest or in motion in a straight line with a constant speed until acted upon is called... Hint- the other name for Newton's First Law

What is inertia?


The resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion. (hint: It starts with an I)

What is inertia?


When you walk across the ground and push on it with your feet...this is what the ground "does"....

What is "pushes back on your feet with equal force"?


This is the force pair (2 forces) that act upon a feather that is dropping off a table.

What are gravity and air resistance (similar to friction in the air)?


The unit of measure for force.

What is a Newton?


TRUE or FALSE: Unbalanced forces are needed to keep an object in motion.

What is FALSE? (It is just as natural for a body to be at a constant speed as it is to be at rest. No force is needed to sustain motion once the object is moving at a constant speed and in a linear direction.)


If an object has a constant acceleration and a large mass then the force needed to change it would be __________. a. not that large b. large c. the same as the acceleration d. it can't ever change

What is "large"?


If your pencil rolls off the desk, it will be pulled down to the floor by gravity. Explain why the pencil doesn't pull up the floor.

What is: The Earth has a larger mass than the pencil and/or the Earth has the stronger gravitational pull than the pencil?


If a heavy boulder and a small marble were dropped from a tall building at the same time, would they hit at different times or around the same time? Explain

They would hit at almost the same time. More massive objects DO NOT fall faster. 

(Nice to know information: Gravity on Earth pulls on all objects at the same rate: 9.8 meters per second.)


Mrs. Barlow's class pulls east during tug-of-war with a force of 60 N and Mrs. Ross's class pulls west with a force of 70 N. This is the net force: and winner:

What is 10 N West? Mrs. Ross's class wins

This man defined the Laws of Motion and Gravity.
Who was Sir Isaac Newton?

This is the equation that best describes Newton's 2nd Law.

What is F = MA (Force equals Mass times Acceleration)


Newton's 3rd Law of Motion states..."For every action there is...

What is " equal and opposite reaction?"


The measure of force gravity pulls on an object...

(Hints: It's different on when you are on another planet or moon. For example, you're lighter on the moon.)

What is weight?


This force pushes or pulls in the opposite direction that the object is sliding and acts parallel to the surfaces in contact.

What is friction?


A change to an object's motion is caused by: a. balanced forces b. unbalanced forces c. massive forces d. busy forces

What are unbalanced forces?


When you slide a box across the floor, this is the force that your push must be stronger than...

What is friction?


For every action there is an __________and opposite______________.

What is "equal" and "reaction"?


The force of attraction between objects that keeps us "on" Earth.

What is gravity?


In order for an object to remain still the forces must be: Choose: balanced or unbalanced

What is balanced?


Which of the following has the greatest inertia? a. an airplane b. a computer c. a toy car d. a puppy

What is an airplane?


The greater the mass of the object being accelerated, the greater the amount of _________needed to accelerate the object.

What is "force"?


Your couch at home is "at rest". Which of the following best describes this situation... a. there are no forces acting on it b. the couch is pushing on your floor only c. the floor is pushing on the couch only d. the forces acting on the couch are balanced

What is (d.) the forces acting on the couch are balanced?


This person was supposedly inspired by a falling apple to define the Law of Universal Gravity.

Who was Sir Isaac Newton?
