First Law
Second Law
Third Law
May the force be with you.
This is the rest of this statement: "An object in motion will..."
What is stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force?
Newton's Second Law of Motion says this.
What is Force=Mass x Acceleration
This is rest of the statement: "For every action..."
What is there is an equal and opposite reaction?
This is the speed of an object in a single direction.
What is velocity?
You are on skis heading down a hill. You make it down the slope in one minute. You go down the same hill a second time, this time with a 50 pound bag of flour strapped to you and are given a big push to get you started. This is most likely what will happen to your acceleration down the run.
What is I will accelerate quicker on the second run because the force applied to me was greater and the mass increased, so gravity is pulling more on me?
This is the rest of the statement, "An object at rest will remain at rest unless..."
What is acted upon by an unbalanced force?
This affects the amount of force it will take to stop a moving object AND how much force THAT object can apply on another object. (Could be one of the following)
What is mass OR acceleration?
I throw a ball against the wall...this is the reaction:
What is it hits (action) and bounces off (reaction)?
This is the tendency of an object to keep doing what it is doing...
What is inertia?
You go down a ski run and get to the cat track (the flat part of the run to the lift). You spend 30 seconds on the cat track pushing your way to the lift. You then go back up for another run with a 50 pound flour bag strapped to you (you might be crazy). This is most likely what will happen on the cat track.
What is it will take much longer and much more work to get yourself to the lift since your mass increased...and with increased mass and the same amount of force applied, the acceleration will be much slower.
A person is standing upright and still on the ground. These are the forces acting upon them.
What is gravity (Fgrav) and normal force (Fnorm)?
A person is conducting an experiment. They and a friend will both blow at normal force through a straw. One will blow against a beach ball and one will blow against a basketball. This is the ball that will accelerate faster.
What is the beach ball?
The action of a rocket launching is the engines pushing out massive amounts of fuel downwards...this is the reaction:
What is the rocket launches upwards into space?
This is the amount of matter that is in an object.
What is mass?
You are on the gyro. It gets going at a super fast velocity due to the forces acting on it. All of a sudden, your green rung breaks away from the gyro still in your hand. This is most likely what happens to you.
What is I would fly off the gyro in a straight trajectory into the air with the same rate of speed I had on the gyro until gravity or another force stopped me.
If an object is at rest and it is experiencing a pull of gravitational force and a push of normal upward force, it is said to be this.
What is balanced?
It takes more force to accelerate an object with more _____ object with more _______ will accelerate _______than an object with less _______.
What is mass, mass, slower, mass?
A baseball thrown pushes a catcher's mit leftwards...this is what happens to the baseball.
What is the mit pushes the baseball rightwards?
This is a downward pull (force) acting on all objects on earth.
What is gravity?
You are on your bike showing off. You are doing the old, "look ma, no hands" trick. However, unbeknownst to you (but unbeknownst to your audience) there is a very large and very sturdy downed tree in your path. This is most likely what will happen.
What is I will be flung off my bike in a straight trajectory when my bike (which is in motion) is quickly put to rest by the downed log. I however, never made contact with the log and will continue in this embarrassing motion that the bike would have been a part of...until gravity or another force puts me out of my misery.
DAILY DOUBLE!!! If someone is inside of a car without a seat belt on, they will do this when they crash into a pylon or barricade.
What is remain in motion...perhaps into the steering wheel or through the windshield of the car depending on the amount of force involved.
When dropping a sack of metal screws and a single metal screw from the same height, this is what the result would most likely be.
What is they would hit the ground at the same time?
A bowling ball pushes the pin leftwards. This is what happens to the bowling ball.
What is the pin pushes it rightwards?
This is the speed of an object as it increases.
What is acceleration?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! You strap a jetpack to your back. You are wearing roller skates on your feet. You are facing towards the right. This is most likely what will happen when you push the big red "launch" button. For full DAILY DOUBLE points, explain what law of motion this illustrates and how.
What is the jetpack will apply a rightward force on your body and your skates will apply a leftward force on the ground and you will roll (most likely at a high velocity) forwards. This is Newton's Third Law. The rightward force from the jetpack is the action. The movement of the roller skates is the reaction.