May the FORCE be with you
Let's investigate!
Poetry in Motion
Fly, fight, and win!
Bonus Questions
This force pulls all objects to the center of the Earth
When performing investigations, it is best to do a trial this many times
Because a magnet can move objects without touching them, it is considered what type of force?
As a skydiver accelerates toward the ground, what force acts on the skydiver?
True or False? The south pole of a magnet will repel the north pole of another magnet
This force occurs when two surfaces rub against one another
When we observed and measured the motion of the toy jumping frog, how did we know the jumping frog had moved?
The jumping frog changed position/we used a point of reference to determine the frog's changed position
What can we do to find out if a bowling ball or volleyball will fall faster to the ground if they're both let go at the same time? A. Drop the bowling ball and volleyball off a table to see which one hits the ground first B.Roll the bowling ball and volleyball down the hallway to see which one goes farther in the shortest amount of time C. Measure the circumference of the bowling ball and volleyball to decide which will hit the ground first D. Measure the mass of both the bowling ball and volleyball and see which one weighs more to conclude that the heavier ball will fall faster
A. Drop the bowling ball and volleyball off a table to see which one hits the ground first
True or False? Decreasing the air resistance on our airplanes allowed the airplane to fly farther.
This type of force took place when our balloon rocket changed position on the string.
unbalanced force
This type of force occurs when two forces act on an object causing that object to move
When we moved marbles across the track, flat on the floor, this type of force started the ball rolling
When we played tug-of-war, what type of force was at work when one team was able to pull the other team over?
unbalanced force
We define this force as air resistance.
Using the words balanced or unbalanced force, explain how you can change the motion of an object
answers vary Example: A marble at rest experiences balanced force. I can push the marble and make the marble move from one place to another. The push of my finger has more force than friction from the air and ground, creating an unbalanced force and allowing the marble to move.
This type of force occurs when two forces act on an object causing that object to stay in the same place
What is the best thing to do to find an answer to a scientific question?
Build a model/do an experiment
When you used the magnets in class to make the paper clips move, what is the BEST explanation to describe your observations? A. Magnets have poles that attract and repel objects B. The magnetic field produced a non-contact force that moves objects over a distance C. Magnets are magic D. The Earth is a large magnet that makes a compass point to north
B. The magnetic field produced a non-contact force that moves objects over a distance
We define this force as the push or propulsion of an object through the air.
List three non-contact forces
gravity, magnetism, air resistance
Name the four forces of flight
Weight, drag, thrust, and lift
When we played tug-of-war and neither team could pull the other team over, what forces were involved that made the rope stay in one place?
balanced force
What statement best describes an object sitting on the ground? A. the object weighs a lot and is forced to stay still B. gravity is stronger than the force of the Earth on the object C. The object can't move because it's square D. The force of the object on the ground is balanced with the force of the ground on the object
D.The force of the object on the ground is balanced with the force of the ground on the object
When we tested airplanes in class and Wendy's airplane was tossed, then came to rest on the floor, what three forces affected the flight of the paper airplane?
Lift, drag, and thrust.
What is the best observation that supports Newton's First Law of Motion that moving objects will move forever and resting objects will rest forever unless some outside force acts on them. A. Gravity pulls objects to the Earth B. When thrown into the air, a ping pong ball will bounce 14 times before coming to rest C. a ball that's not moving will stay at rest unless an outside force like a kick or push acts on it and makes it move D.Friction changes the speed and direction of motion
C. a ball that's not moving will stay at rest unless an outside force like a kick or push acts on it and makes it move