Vocab 1
Vocab 2
Vocab 3
What word means to pull toward one another? 1. repel 2. attract 3. magnet
What is attract.
Exists when all the forces acting on an object result in the object staying at rest or moving at a constant speed in the same direction. 1. balanced force 2. unbalanced force
What is a balanced force.
A measurement of how far from each other two points or places are. It can measure how far an object traveled from one point to another. 1. direction 2. attract 3. distance
What is distance.
When we investigated with bar magnets, a North and North pole would do what? 1. repel 2. attract
What is repel.
How many grams are in a kilogram?
What is 1,000 grams.
When an object is not moving it is 1. forceful 2. friction 3. at rest
What is at rest
A push or a pull on something and it is necessary to change the motion of an object. 1. force 2. motion 3. gravity
What is a force.
A force where one object pulls on another object. It pulls things down to Earth. 1. non contact force 2. static electricity 3. gravity
What is gravity.
During our investigation with the balloons what type of electricity did we make? This type of electricity is built up on a material.
What is static electricity.
What is 6 x 4?
What is 24.
A force that acts on an object when it rubs against another object or material. This forces acts on an object when we try to move it across a surface. 1. push 2. friction 3. balanced force
What is friction.
A material that has the ability to attract iron or steel. 1. magnet 2. plastic 3. Felt
What is a magnet.
The attraction or repulsion (push or pull) produced by the poles in a magnet. 1. balanced force 2. Magnetic force 3. Electric force
What is a magnetic force.
During our investigation with the wooden block, what surface created the least amount of friction with our desks? 1. sandpaper 2. wax paper 3. rubber bands
What is wax paper.
What is a synonym for precise?
What is exactly.
the path along which something moves (example: forward, backward, up down) 1. distance 2.motion 3. direction
What is direction.
the changing of position of an object. 1. motion 2. repel 3. attract
What is motion.
It is produced when electricity flows through a wire. Coiling the wire around an iron bar increases the strength of the magnetic field. 1. electromagnet 2. magnet 3. electricity
What is an electromagnet.
During our investigation with the electromagnet, what 4 materials are needed to create an electromagnet?
What is a wire, battery, battery holder, and nail.
Round 543 to the nearest TEN.
What is 540.
A push or a pull that moves an object without touching or coming in contact with the object. 1. contact force 2. magnetic force 3. noncontact force
What is a noncontact force.
A push or a pull that touches or comes in contact with an object to change motion. 1. noncontact force 2. contact force 3. friction
What is a contact force.
Exists when forces acting on an object result in motion or a change in motion. 1. balanced force 2. equal force 3. unbalanced force
What is an unbalanced force.
During our first investigation with our toy cars, we were able to determine the speed of our vehicles. What do you need to know to find the speed of an object?
What is distance and time.
Round 2,345 to the nearest hundred.
What is 2,300.